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About overlow

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    On the Coast
  1. It has been nice to read couple really analytic posts to critisize all those ideas. I too am conserned if this would even be made too good weapon if all is applied. I think it should be handled in one of these two ways: 1. Make some kind of better sights for it, preferred aimpoint etc without any zoom. To complement the low ammo count and need for headshots. 2. Make it able to carry more ammunition and kill 1 hit to torso. To complement the low accuracy of the gun. And then almost completely out of topic, I find pretty hilarious that 1 or 2 bolts for the bow takes up as much space as 200rnd light machinegun magazine (never found one) or 2 bolts taking as much space as pile of wood :D So for realism option the 2nd choice would be good, but then again there is the engine with it's limitations, and the only thing I could think how to get around those was the idea of quiver as backpack (it's still gonna be hard job). All tough in gameplay perspective to have packback that stores just ammunition for one weapon would be pretty ridicilous The 1st option is not any less realistic one than the second one, because pretty much every modern crossbow used for hunting there is equiped with somekind of scope. For that bolt retrieving I would let it be as it is, sure it annoys like hell when you can't retrieve the bolt when it has got under the zombie, but well in reality that same bolt propably would have snapped in two.
  2. I don't think crossbow need buff in pvp, just to make it atleast viable option as silenced zombie killing machine before you can get m4, mp or m9 sd. Or maybe even good option compared to them.
  3. One idea that sprung up to my mind for the crossbow: Quiver instead of backpack. There would be room for (something like) 20 bolts and nothing else, but you would be able to use the bolts straight from the quiver so you could have other items in the normal magslots. Also better sights and/or 1hit chestkill.
  4. overlow

    Adding better sights to the crossbow.

    Crossbow really need those sight. Or mayde alternate but rarer version with a aimpoint (or maybe, just maybe zoom scope) added to the scoperail it allready has. I don't care if that alternate xbow with sight were a militarygrade loot (rather remain lootable from same places it is allready but slightly lower change) as long as it uses the same bolts, but it would be better to remain one bow with atleast ironsights. Other alternative if not adding scope/sights (or version with those) is to make it 1 hit bodyshot kill zombies, because for now to reliably headshot with the xbow is almost impossible to do.