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About mindlord

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  1. mindlord

    Bike Problem?

  2. mindlord

    Red and Yellow Chains?

    Actually I have heard yellow can be worse then red. Red = Disconnected from Hive server Yellow = Unknown data is being received from the server Either way, when you see the icons engage in enemies you can see but don't wander too far.
  3. mindlord

    Freeside Trading Co.

    Sent a PM, thought I might put this here as well. I am interested in joining and helping with the Freeside Trading Co. Below is my information... Steam Name: mindlord ( I am already in the Steam Group ) TS3 Name : mindlord In-Game Name : mindlord Forum Name : mindlord ( you see the trend I hope ) Timezone (UTC) : Central, ( -6 ) Roles you would like to fill: {Organization, Mercenary, Gatherer, Guard, Pilot} D, all of the above. I have been playing Arma II ever since it came out. Now I have been on about a 6 month break from playing it before DayZ but I would like to think I am pretty well rounded. I can shoot, drive a car, sit with a sniper and watch, ect... I have even run clans and teams before, if needed. I can pilot a chopper but I am not the best. I work in the day so usually I am on the the evening, 6-12PM weekends are never certain... Seeing as we are using a Chicago server I would assume we are on the same time zones. Anyway I will be on tonight when the trial run goes down, at the very least I will be by to check it out. I would be more than happy to help.
  4. Great job. I had been looking into doing this exact same thing recently. You beat me to it!
  5. mindlord

    Freeside Trading Co.

    As I said with the previous attempt, the Post, I am in. Glad to see this taking shape and I am very interested to see where this leads.
  6. Cant find ya on your email address but we have a few that might be willing to hook up with ya. Steam ID: mindlord
  7. I would be interested in giving this a shot merely because I would like to see a move towards player held locations. I like all the thought put into this however I don't know if anyone can 'hold' the airfield and keep all the supplies there 24/7. I suggest we have tents in locations outside the airfield that only a few know about, so we can log off and not worry about people raiding the tents. We could also move the locations as we get more tents. We could have them in far off locations and just run the Huey back and forth to try and minimize the possibility of Bandits following us /finding the tents. An idea a had to help keep people safe; create a list of who is part of the operation. Pass the list out to ALL members. As soon as we see someone who is not on the list walking around trying to blend in, wears glasses and has a chem light, that person tells everyone in TS to take a knee. Anyone left standing who looks like one of us gets shot. Steam ID is mindlord, I might be able to convince a few close friends to the cause.
  8. mindlord


    Sounds like it might be pain or some other condition? I know that after these last updates I lose food and water while I am logged out. Have you tried taking Painkillers, drinking, or eating? Also possible you have a bugged instance... This may help... http://dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Status_Effects
  9. mindlord

    is it possible to clear a town?

    When ever we try to clear a town, or even a section, the walkers keep re-spawning on us so. It always seems better to do hit and run, then hold. At least for now.
  10. mindlord

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    #2 is my pick. It would be nice if it had "ALPHA" written in small white characters under the DayZ Logo. +1 to the "I tried to survive DayZ"