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Everything posted by camerananio@hotmail.com

  1. camerananio@hotmail.com

    Item spawning, <VIDEO>

    My friend Til and I were hopping around servers, trying to get some decent loot. We ended up on US 1445(I believe) and checked out the fire station at the power plant in electro to find this kind of stuff. Before I started recording, jason got killed 3 times testing the bus, and seeing what happened when he got in. I did as well, after winston logged off. I touched the wall, and the bus exploded, a clear sign of it bring dropped(spawned) from a decent hight, sadly, I didn't record that, but just throwing it out there. If you're lazy, skip to 6:40 in the video, as the first 25 seconds or so are screens. You can hear an m107 firing(from the hillside to our left) and destroying the bus, the same thing that had happened multiple times previous, as you can see all the destroyed busses in the attempt to get the hacker banned, with enough proof. I don't have the server, but I've got his name highlighted, so hopefully that will do. I know most of you are going to say oh fuck you enough with the qq and get over it. To that I say I KNOW it's not a lot of proof, but just to get looked into. You can be anybody on the internet you want, please don't be an ass on my thread. Thank you. Video Here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bmr0GMbrMU8
  2. camerananio@hotmail.com

    Item spawning, <VIDEO>

    The screen of the vid looks shitty, it's not that bad in game though. But yes, max gamma so I can actually see
  3. Me and 4 friends were playing on server US 737, and we, along with every other player on the server(about 25 others) were teleported from wherever were, to outside of pustoshka, where there were three guys, two of which had ghillie suits and .50 caliber rifles, and they proceeded to shoot and kill everybody on the server. My friends and I tried to fight back and kill them, but when we spawned back in, after relogging to avoid losing our gear to hackers, we spawned in unconscious(after taking no damage or bleeding) and were promptly shot after the guys spoke in chat saying "Goodbye", like a classy guy. After, til027, and D4v1dpwnz and I all somehow spawned in Otmel, and were shot at, and killed by the same sniper. Later on, we were headed to the fire station(til and I) and were running, and til027 randomly broke his legs and died, I looked around for a cause, and I also died from the same fate. One of the guys showed up in chat saying he cannot edit the mission because it is part of expansion pack blah blah something. His name was Khoa in game. I believe a guy named tyler in that game as well was also one of the hackers. Sadly, no screenshots or videos, as it all happened so fast. I would like to request an inquisition to the matter, and get these hackers IP banned from the game, if that is even possible. Also if it is possible, I would like to request a server rollback, to just before the incident so that the players on the server can obtain their items over again. Thanks for your time, Xeno
  4. camerananio@hotmail.com

    Item spawning, teleporting, and /killing players

    Yes, that EXACT inquisition :D