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Sam Entropy

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About Sam Entropy

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Skype

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Adelaide, Australia
  • Interests
    Gaming, warhammer(40k), skateboarding, rollerblading, food (who isn't interested in food?) and many other random things

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  • Bio
    I am currently 23, working as a cashier at a supermarket while studying at university.
  1. Also disable shadows and anything that has a disabled option can help too
  2. My computer is the same sometimes, try turning up some of the graphics elements to high, as having them all on low burdens the CPU quite a bit. low/normal will be handled by the CPU high/very high is handles by the graphics card If that makes sense. I've noticed that DayZ does cause more fps issues than just normal ARMA II.
  3. Sam Entropy

    Looing for AU/NZ players

    I play now and again, usually whatever server has a decent ping and/or medium amount of players. I live in GMT 9:30 (Adelaide)
  4. Sam Entropy

    DayZ Camp Fire Massacre

    I was expecting to watch a video of you (and maybe others) raiding a camp fire at night, but no. Disappointing, but oh well. Each to their own, betrayal is a part of the game.
  5. I use ghillie usually, unless I plan on going into a city area, or buildings, then I would prefer camo or civilian. The L85 is fine, it's really only good for scanning the area, otherwise it's pretty much meh.
  6. Sam Entropy

    Network upload goes up when encountering Zombies

    The way the zombies are hosted causes this, because when you come into range for zombies to spawn they are hosted from you. The lower your upload, the more 'zombie lag' there will be. I don't think they will change this for a while, but hopefully they do alter it to be server side zombie hosting instead eventually. It makes more sense really.
  7. Sam Entropy

    CZ 550 or AKS-74U

    That AK is decent, I played a bit with it the other day, and seems to work a charm. The CZ is a good gun, but it lacks fire power in close quarters. I would wait until you have a larger bag to pick up a sniper rifle, just in case.
  8. Sam Entropy

    20th day alive!

    I was at the same state you were, but in the first 10 days I hit the NW airfield a few times and stary as well, lasted 20 awesome days.... until I decided to team up with a clan for a few hours. We all died to hackers twice in one night. I was annoyed to lose all the gear, but mostly annoyed to lose the 20 days of survival. I had zero murders, but I had defended myself against some bandits and snipers, but they just logged out before I got the kill, no biggie really. Hopefully I will be able to last another 20 days!
  9. Damn that lee enfield weilding bandit!!
  10. good work! I have rarely come across anyone that doesn't shoot on sight so far.. OR backstab three seconds later when they pick up a damn gun. Makes me want to join a clan sometimes, but I have deep seeded trust issues, even more so since playing dayz.
  11. Sam Entropy

    was in electro a few minutes ago

    Being sneaky? Or luring someone to their untimely demise? ;)
  12. Sam Entropy

    Day-Z Has Gone To Shi*

    I've come across a few hackers so far, the first time I was actually really excited because I didn't know what was going on, but from there on out it was sort of annoying. I will continue to persevere through these dark times, because I fucking love this mod!!
  13. That's a good and fun gun to play around with, but I am loving the DMR at the moment, It's probably my favourite so far.
  14. Another thread turned to hate :/ EDIT: Apparently google chrome didn't want to load the rest. Artifacts would be the worst with 3D and being high :/ I am glad that i rarely get them at all.
  15. That is fuuuuucked haha! I wish my gpu and monitor supported 3D, I would totally do this everyday!