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About unmade

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  1. unmade

    Linking GPS with your friends

    yeah, well if you got a gps it shows the cordinates.
  2. unmade

    The rarest item in the game!

    Think the rocket is more rare, since it only spawns in the barracks and with a ultra low droprate, while it also replaces your backpack there isent that many player who botherd to pick it up which makes it even rare since nearly no one is gonna drop it when you kill them
  3. unmade

    Linking GPS with your friends

    Seems like no one hardly understood what i ment, so i'll say it again. When you link your gps with your friend it should have a arrow or a dot on the gps screen the (ctrl + m) indicating in exactly what direction your friends are at. And to extend it even further you should be able to make marks on cordinates for you and your friends gps.
  4. unmade

    explosives in a vehicles,

    thought more on when you fix a vehicle you sometimes skip fixing the engine, wich in alot of the cases hitting a tree makes the vehicle explode and some way my friends always survives with 3-5k blood, even though the car could be filled with grenades and satchel charges.
  5. explosives in Vehicles should go off when the vehicle blows up, thus making it even more dangerous driving a vehicle.
  6. So my friends and i thought it would be cool to link your gps with your friends so it would show exactly where they are and where you are, i know you can just say the cords, but a dot where they are should show up on the gps so you could easily tell where your friends are. Could not find this topic in the forum search tool since it's a bugger to use, sorry if there's already a thread.
  7. unmade


    For all those complaining that NVG are to op and that flashlights sucks, what about a headlight? It should take the same slot as the NVG but it should work like a flash light just a bit less shaky and that it actuely lights where you turn your head. It could plausible drop in Deer stands or other civilian buildings. (exscuse me if there's already a thread about this, coulden't find any with the forums search options)
  8. unmade

    More SVD ammo spawns please.

    Spawns about 10 svd mags along with 10 of the new grenades in a UAZ up on a hill NW of gorka on the mountain of altair, (acording to dayz wiki it's these cordinates 081060) could anyone else confirm this? i've seen it on 4 servers so far.
  9. unmade

    Camo Nets

    Haven't tried a chopper in dayz for a long time, but does the radar still work in them? cause last time they where active all the vehicles where shown on your radar, so it would make the nets kinda useless if it's still working.
  10. most likely the standalone will take time to come out, that everyone seems to forget is that Rocket says he he hopes the standalone will come out in september. But also if it's going to run on arma 3:s engine, he'll most likely have to make a new map or get bohemia or some one else to make one for him since the announced map for arma 3 is in greece with alot of high mountain and hills, with little to nothing with trees.
  11. Yeah so let's make the Snipers glow like in BF3 too so we can see where our friends got sniped from it's gonna be super realistic!... the night vision got like a 0.40% drop chance on heli crashes and 0.11% in barracks, it's not like you meet anyone with nvg daily, and if you do he is propably more skilled than you so you would have been fucked in a firefight anyways. just fix the duping and i see what you did there by not adding a hell no awnser to the poll.