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About Shorts

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  1. Heh You guis gonna be so mad when he adds in claymores, id's and landmines. SOOOOOOOOO MAD.
  2. Shorts

    Abort Cowards

    You have to be 100% above board with this tactic though. With proof. its a thin line till we are in Admin abuse zone.
  3. Seems like a common trend.
  4. So much Fail..... Of course they are going hard against US 104, its always up to date with the latest patches and fixes, just like any other sever that is on top of the updates. They are always full so they are prime targets. OP grow the fuck up. Learn how to use the search features. It's been over a fucking month that these dudes have been hacking dayz severs and every time some stupid douchebag that doesn't know how to internet makes a thread blaming the admin. One more thing OP please don't comeback to 104 let someone else who isn't a self entitled prick have the slot.
  5. Shorts

    NYC 6 do not want.

    The sever was NYC 6. I've had nothing but good experiences on the NY severs. Didn't catch the admins name. Clan tag was (Misc). I'm not trying to get anyone bant or whatever. Just want to give other players a head up on a sever the may not want to join.
  6. The rampant racism on this sever will keep me from coming back. Most of it coming from the admins own clan.
  7. Shorts

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Doc Get your ass back to V18.
  8. Shorts

    Unique Survivor Skins.

    Lots of noob's running around including me now :(
  9. I've ran into 2 players so far with unique skins. One was an old man with a beard looking similar to bill from l4d and another player who had Bravehart face paint. Are these skins in the game? Are they dev's?