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About Cheekything

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Well good for banning more hackers. Depressing for the regular players :(.
  2. So yesterday about 16 hours ago, some hacker came onto the server I go onto and blew up all the vehicles bar the bikes which cannot be blown up as they have no fuel (however they were damaged in both wheels and hull) He then put in this mortal combat script that disappeared after a restart. The good part is the admin managed to ban about 10 people for hacking in vehicles as well they were all gone for over 15 hours and people were still using some. Bad news is there has been a few restarts since and no vehicles have respawned as of yet, now can anyone tell me if there is a timer or do we have to wait for the hive admins to click a button? I mean it does allow people to find hackers very much easily but we also want to go back to enjoying the game and if a hacker can destroy them with a script why do they take so long to reappear?
  3. I love it this should be a feature xD
  4. If you used third person you will miss most the time. Also if you have pain and the recoil of that gun your going to have a bit of trouble hitting anything that isn't next to your nozzle.
  5. Cheekything

    How do you fight against an L85 thermal?

    If you hide behind a tree your heat sig vanishes and well the bullets can't hit you. Also if you change your sprint key (W*2) to something else you can sprint circles around them and they can't hit you for anything. If anything the gun is good for taking out helicopters and spotting it's not a very good gun for killing.
  6. Cheekything

    Treausre island

    I think he's trying to point out that is where people may store their helicopters and bases. Though not so good if you have no PBX.
  7. Cheekything

    Got hacked, my char cant move&cant die, Help!!!

    http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/How_to_find_North Check the clouds area. And set your move to tab and leave it swim.
  8. Cheekything

    Random server wipe

    Same thing happened on our server. There was some guy hacking so the server was taken down, so we are not sure if it's result of a hacker or the hive being desynced. Whelp :( *edit* Trying a double restart now read that it could work but not high of hope.
  9. Cheekything

    Mike Tyson zombies?

    Zombies can also make you bleed and break your bones just by looking at you funny. They can spot you behind buildings while prone randomly and they will chase you forever. It's alpha and still a better love story than twilight.
  10. Cheekything

    Ghillie Suits Protect Against Thermal

    No you can just hide behind a tree like everyone else.
  11. Cheekything

    DayZ Supplemental Ban List

    Those hacks are used by Battleye bypasses and avoid the detection allowing the user to enter all kinds of code. This sounds interesting can you give a link?
  12. Cheekything

    DayZ Supplemental Ban List

    Those hacks are used by Battleye bypasses and avoid the detection allowing the user to enter all kinds of code.
  13. Cheekything

    Why getting in a bus is suicide...

    I dont get it.
  14. Right "stolen" not I was banned for hacking and purchased a new CD key, how does I get unbanned?
  15. I've heard this said many times but it doesn't seem to be the case. Personally I think any tents/vehicles should be automatically moved back to the border after a restart. However I know most people hide their stuff at stupid distances off the map only to log on a few times a day to refresh them which honestly sucks. So is it acceptable to keep your tents and stuff 5KM off the map so no one can find them?