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Everything posted by jnnsk

  1. What about bloodsuckers? :rolleyes:
  2. Hey there, JNNSK here and me and my buddy were wondering if anyone wanted to join us. Because having just 2 people in one team is just not as fun as having more. A little thing about me: 1. My name is Justin / JNNSK / Col. J.TeV 2. I'm a very experimenced player, I've been playing for I guess around 5+ months now. 3. I'm from Holland, and my buddy is from the UK so we're looking for European players, because we play on European servers. 4. I have alot of experimence with teaming up in squads, teams, clans ect. I've been playing as a sniper/heli pilot in some clans. 5. We're good geared and got evrything spare in our camps, so if needed we can gear you up (or pick you up on one of our main servers). 6. I like to have organized role setup's, so we dont have evryone running around with snipers and then get easykilled by flankers in a fight. Tell me something about you: 1. Name, age and where you're from: 2. Experimence (How long you play, and what you've done so far): 3. Pref. role (Like (LM)Gunner, Engineer (taking care of vehicles) Spotter, Assault ect.: 4. Skypename (We use skype only for now.): 5. Why would I pick you?: 6: What are you? Survivor (Neutral, tries to communicate or just ignore) Hero (Always tries to help and be friendly) Bandit ('Nuff Said): 7. Activity (how many days/hours a week do you play?): 8. Add something yourself. (I probably forgot something):
  3. jnnsk

    Looking for more people EU

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/103117-looking-for-group-members/ (:
  4. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/103117-looking-for-group-members/ (:
  5. *1. Age: 17 2. Real Name: Justin *3. Skype Name: JNNSK 4. Steam Name: JNNSK *5: Rate yourself 1-20 on how experienced you are: 19/20, I've done evrything, can get vehicles and best gear in a day. *6: Can you get from Elektro to Stary Sobor without help?: Easy, I can go to stary, nwaf, neaf or anywhere whitout a map (maybe I do need a compass) *7: Are you willing to commit banditry? I'm always a bandit, but I'm easy to team up with I usually ask before I shoot to lower gun, talk and ask for teamup. *8: Are you willing to start fresh on a Private Hive server? Sure. *9: Can you connect to US servers? Yea, I am from Holland, but I played on some US servers before. *10 (extra) I played sniper/pilot in multiple teams, clans and squads. I dont like to have a team whitout real rolls (Not like evryone goes sniper and with an AR/LMG , cuz at longrange evryone goes randomly sniping and then flankers got free kills. I play for around idk how long, I installed DayZ for the 1st time around may or earlier? So yeah, I'm experimenced.
  6. jnnsk

    Bandit skin is awesome

    there nomore bandit suits as I thought, ghilles gives you great cover in bushes, camo just looks badass.
  7. jnnsk

    Is it Bannable off a Server?

    I also found one, ignored it.
  8. Hey there, I've been playing DayZ for a while now and I'm looking for some people to play with. Heres some info: I live in The Netherlands I use skype, ts, mumble or any other voice chat program. I speak quite good english 17 years old Playing since 15th july Looking for someone who plays alot (because I play alot) I always carry enough food, medical supplies and ammo with me I'm a teamplayer who can communicate very well I know the map and stuff I dont really have much experimence with playing with a squad/group, only with a friend of me but he doesnt play so much on DayZ so I wanted to find some active players. Skype: jnnsk123nl
  9. jnnsk


    So, I get killed all the time by snipers, now I decided to look out for a sniper myself, after checking over 60 barns atleast, and I dont know how many deerstands, firestations, hangars whatever and I think around 7+ days with around 5-6+ hours a day looking for it, I dont find ANY sniper rifle? I found one sniper rifle of a dead body when I started with this game in elektro, I basically didnt knew the power of the sniper rifles yet so I just kept using my AK and held it in my backpack. I killed an sniper last week and when I wanted to loot him (I killed him and his buddy on a field) suddenly evryone got teleported outside the map and turned into goats, then cows and then ghille as-50 snipers where evryone just started shooting eachother, this is getting too annoying for me, I play for so many hours and I just cant find any.. any tips/help or whatever??
  10. Hey there, I've been playing DayZ for a while now and I'm looking for some people to play with. Heres some info: I live in The Netherlands I use skype, ts, mumble or any other voice chat program. I speak quite good english 17 years old Playing since 15th july Looking for someone who plays alot (because I play alot) I always carry enough food, medical supplies and ammo with me I'm a teamplayer who can communicate very well I know the map and stuff I dont really have much experimence with playing with a squad/group, only with a friend of me but he doesnt play so much on DayZ so I wanted to find some active players. Skype: jnnsk123nl
  11. So, me and a friend were thinking if there would be no zombies in a server, the server would lagg less, creating an easier way to increase the player count on servers, creating an big dangerous pvp area, add some more spawns so people wont get camped out and it would more be like an race from finding and looting some items, food, guns and ammunition and start surviving, creating a whole new gamemode. Note: this might be like stupid and stuff but think about a big firefight that goes on and on where danger is around evry single corner.
  12. jnnsk


    Thanks all for all the replies so far and so fast, I think I'm going to check some millitary tents a bit, does anyone know in wich cities I can look best whitout having the best weapons?