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Everything posted by Zippo99

  1. Ok I'm signing in on this one and only occasion to specifically complain about the experience I just had in DayZ which perfectly sums up why I gave up playing DayZ 3 months ago: Downloaded, fully updated: Ready to go. Logged in, run into two mute sociopaths who both try to kill me with axes (and fail) I carry on my merry way. Five minutes in: What sounds like a teenager speaking bad English comes round a corner in Svetlojarsk pointing a gun at me telling me to stand still. I refuse and he misses repeatedly. I run into a hospital to hide, he pops out of nowhere in front of me. I escape (again, thank God he's a bad shot). I run outside of the hospital in Svet, and what a surprise, there's another guy who looks exactly like him waiting outside for me despite the fact that he was behind me in the hospital. Must be an associate of his I suppose, he shoots me in the arm but I escape (again). I hide in a hut, bandage up. POP. There he is again right in front of me. Misses again (told you he was a bad shot). I run away again, running into the trees, WHAT A SURPRISE THERE HE IS AGAIN RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME. Well I'm about to just give up at this point and quit when all of a sudden... He levitates about 200 metres in the air and appears to fly away like in the Matrix, Neo style. Will wonders never cease. At least he's gone right? NOPE he's right behind me again and shoots me square in the head. The End. Great story right? Doesn't this sound like fun? I can only imagine what it must feel like to spend hours crawling through hedges avoiding sniper fire and being stealthy only to be brutally murdered by Neo from the Matrix before he literally levitates away into the great beyond. What is the point of DayZ? This game is being straight up kicked off my hard drive until this is fixed, which I expect to be in the next decade - give or take 5-10 years. Because this is just a slap in the face, especially when you read the patch notes and all they've changed is "oooh new cow animations! Thank God for that, I really had my suspicions about DayZ and whether the devs would really get a handle on this game or not, but now that the new Cow Animations are here I think we can brush over the rougher edges of this game. /Rant off.
  2. Zippo99

    Looking for a group

    Hi all 27 y/o dude from England live in Germany and looking to play some Day Z but with a regular group instead of randomers. Add me on steam and tell me if you want to join up Hastings298 is my steam name. Peace
  3. Hi all, I've got a relatively specific question that I would really like to hear other people's opinions on. Here are my specs: Windows 7 x64 i5 2500k @ 4.4Ghz GTX 660 8Gb DDR3 ________ I like to think that my machine is a respectable enough gaming machine but the *feel* of DayZ has just never felt 'right'. I feel like I'm controlling my avatar from behind a lengthy fishing rod, like I'm controlling it from a distance away - slightly laggy but not laggy enough to actually make it unplayable - just slightly 'slow'. I've done all sorts of messing about with performance tweaks - render frames ahead = 1 etc, but somehow it just does not feel snappy and responsive in the way that a game like, say, Battlefield 3 does. And i really feel like it's putting me at a disadvantage when it comes to quickfire shootouts and encounters with others. My question is this: Is this something experienced by a lot of people or is it just me? I love DayZ but this is like chinese water torture, it just wears you down until you can't be bothered playing it any more because of the handicap it feels like it gives you. Thanks Chris
  4. Zippo99

    DayZ = No Mo Money

    Too soon for a Christopher Dorner joke?
  5. Zippo99

    DayZ = No Mo Money

    I also think this is a totally badass and awesome idea, especially vis a vis the cigarettes. One other possibility though might simply be coins... there could be vending machines in the stores for example that you can only use with coins or bank notes. There could even be a kind of server-wide quest to crack open a vault somewhere to distribute (or quarrel over) a finite number of coins / notes (this way they will maintain value and there can be no duplication). What money would mean is that essentially you are always able to get a set number of supplies from the vending machines, and hence they would be very valuable as trading items..
  6. Zippo99

    DayZ = No Mo Money

    @bfisher I haven't played enough yet to be certain but it sure feels, to me, like since it became harder to survive and the zombies aren't such pussies, that the instagibbing-CoD-Style has waned slightly. Which is a hugely good thing.
  7. Zippo99

    DayZ = No Mo Money

    The problem here Draxx, is that it's very unlikely the participants in the rudimentary trading system would ever coincidentally happen to have the specific desired commodities which they would gladly trade for the types of food/manpower/materials to which you refer. This is why 'money' exists, so we don't have to carry around a whole random bunch of **** just in case the guy who has that morphine you need only accepts payment in the form of car parts or something equally hard to find. A stable, trustworthy medium of exchange, would probably be something along the lines of common ammunition types (bullets are all nice and regular, easy to transport, easy to count, easy to subdivide) or something like cigarettes which have similar qualities as a medium of exchange.
  8. Zippo99

    DayZ = No Mo Money

    There are no recorded instances in history of barter being the go-to default trade system. The only time barter is ever used, historically, is when stuff is so messed up there's literally no other alternative so we're talking about 1951 in Hungary (a period of massive hyperinflation, in fact the hyperinflation was so bad you needed scientific notation to write it correctly). In Day Z... well yeah it's a zombie apocalypse so stuff is messed up... but in reality people would still revert to some kind of 'currency' given any alternative whatsoever, so a kind of hybrid currency like cigarettes for example. Cigarettes are frequently used in prisons as a means of exchange because they have many of the characteristics of fiat currencies - as in they are a unit of exchange that can be easily divided up, they all have a similar mass, and everyone instantly recognises them. Ammo would be a good alternative. But straight up barter? As in, me wanting to buy your 4x4 in exchange for a load of bandages or beans? Very unlikely.
  9. Zippo99

    It's OK To Not to Love PVP

    THEY'RE THEY'RE THEY'RE THEY'RE THEY'RE THEY'RE THEY'RE THEY'RE Short for "THEY ARE" ABBREVIATION There = "Oh look over there, it's a guy who can't spell properly" LOCATION Their = "Damn, have you seen those guys' spelling? Their spelling is the worst!" POSSESSIVE
  10. Hi all I'm looking for a group of mature, preferably also 20+ fellow DayZ players to group with. No ridiculous map mods No people who barely speak English EU only TS3 or Mumble Friendly, sociable, do not spend all their time hoarding beans in some tiny corner of the map that takes 3 hours to find, actually willing to properly co-operate and communicate with both each other and me. Be cool Regards Hastings296 (Steam User) Chris (my name)
  11. Zippo99

    It's OK To Not to Love PVP

    I hope for your sake English is like your third or fourth language.
  12. Zippo99

    It's OK To Not to Love PVP

    Did you come up with that comment by yourself or is your social worker typing it for you?
  13. Zippo99

    It's OK To Not to Love PVP

    I hear all these guys telling awesome stories about how they met person X randomly in the wilderness/fire station/wherever and how they communicated and after a rocky start eventually hung out and became allies etc etc. WHERE ARE THESE PEOPLE? I encounter no one and nothing except unspeaking murderous children who should be playing CoD. I have yet to have an encounter - post the initial few euphoric weeks of playing this game - that did not involve them running straight at me with whatever is at hand or simply blowing my brains out with a high-powered scoped sniper rifle from 3km away. I would dearly, dearly, love to be able to say "Hey whats up" over in-game VOIP and get a friendly response, or for someone to offer a friendly "Hi friendly?" before they just bulldoze my corpse into a ditch and walk away with what little I own. I confess, I'm not a huge PVP fan in most games, but PVP in this game feels... futile. There are no attempts at contact or negotiation or communication whatsoever. When I've spent days crawling around looking for a GPS (I actually found one, and a whole bunch of awesome stuff the other day) and just getting one-shotted from a speck on the horizon I just haven't logged in since. I wasn't even annoyed at that point I just thought to myself "What is the point?" Thoughts?
  14. Well let's see, I've logged in and played for a couple of hours this evening and guess what happened? I'm playing Call of Duty: Zombie Mode. Why? Because I'm obliged to empty all my ammo into any creature living or dead that I come into contact with because there is a roughly 100% chance that I am going to be either eaten alive or have my face blasted off. People in this game are so profoundly antisocial now that I've taken to trailing a pack of zombies with me as this is more likely to deter someone from shooting me than "Salutations friend! How ma.." *BLAMFUCKYEW* Thanks Rocket, this was a really awesome update. The best part was where you took out all the tension and replaced it with Wolfenstein 3D. :heart:
  15. Zippo99

    CoD Zombie Mode!

    "You're playing the game wrong." Didn't Steve Jobs try something similar?
  16. Zippo99

    CoD Zombie Mode!

    Viz beinger 'either a survivor or a bandit'. I think this is a false choice, any interaction with people in this game boils down to three options where you are either: 1. Friendly 2. Neutral 3. Aggressive The fact that only two options out of three possible options were reflected is the problem here. The system was 2/3rds of the way there, and has been tossed out unnecessarily. It's a very simple system, reflective of the core mechanic behind all zombie apocalypse scenarios: Are you good, bad, or something in between. I'm not asking for jetpacks, epic weapons and double xp weekends here. In reality there would be subtle indicators for what kind of a person you're dealing with, e.g you might risk saying hello to someone with a friendly smile and a campfire, and you might avoid someone who appears completely unhinged and spattered in blood. The fact that this is a game means such indicators are impossible to replicate perfectly, and yet without them we are simply playing CoD clones in another cloned world. Your behaviour MUST HAVE CONSEQUENCES. This is the core reason why so many games fail, they replicate stunningly lifelike graphics, tell great stories, but at the end of the day whether you're good or bad or playing it while watching cat videos on Youtube - there is no evidence your decisions or behaviour ever had any bearing on the virtual world whatsoever. A world with no consequences, where your behaviour has no bearing on your reputation to others, and where there is no means of distinguishing a crackhead lunatic from your next door neighbour is, in itself, completely unrealistic.
  17. Zippo99

    CoD Zombie Mode!

    Well, fair enough everyone. I won't complain about it again since it does appear to be something that's been raised repeatedly before. I'll just raise one last thing in defense of the last system, the bandit system had its flaws, obviously, but I felt it had a very simple solution. The problem was that it only went one way, you could become a bandit, but the system whereby you became a hero was ambiguous at best. I hear your face turned to a smiling avatar or something? Perhaps that's misinformation. In any case I felt it simply needed to be much clearer who was a bandit and who was a hero, rather than relying on people to discern the difference between someone friendly and someone neutral because they simply hadn't had a chance to go full retard-CoD anyone yet. In short: A Hero should be as easily distinguished as A Bandit. This was not the case, I feel the baby has been tossed out with the bathwater.
  18. Zippo99

    CoD Zombie Mode!

    I think i'll copy your post into every other thread on here about PVP' date=' sums it up well. [/quote'] Dammit LondonHyena I feel I'm being completely misrepresented here, I LIKE PvP, that's a big part of the appeal of Day Z. What I don't like is the fact that there is now no reason whatsoever to engage with anyone in the game outside of TS and Mumble buddies - 'cause you can bet your bottom dollar that if anyone sees you they will fucking murder you just because they can. E.g I was running past Kamenka yesterday with a couple of zombies after me and someone did a spray n pray with a silenced MG, and failed at that. But why? Deaths are now CoD-lite arbitrary, you go anywhere near a town or people anywhere, and they will kill you. Finito.
  19. Zippo99

    CoD Zombie Mode!

    Sarcasm not your strong point Valken? If this had only happened once or twice obviously I'd have no reason to post here. The fact of the matter is that it's gone from being tense and 50/50 to roughly 95% hostile. Your second point doesn't make sense, it's not the fact that an individual server hates me, or that the vast majority of survivors "hate" me for some arbitrary reason: it's the fact that survivors are actively encouraged to shoot on sight. And the big surprise? They do exactly that.
  20. Zippo99

    CoD Zombie Mode!

    Dude, I'm not knocking Wolfenstein 3D. Wolfenstein 3D deserves better. And speaking of deserving better, this game sure deserves better than to have the flawed, but with great scope for improvement, bandit/hero system of yore torn out and replaced with FFA Zombie Deathmatch XTREME.
  21. I spent this weekend immersing myself in the apocalyptic wasteland that is Chernarus when I had a most unpleasant experience and I thought I'd tell you all about it here. So here goes... I'd spent hours crawling through a town swarming with zombies and fuckwit players determined to murder me for my beans, eventually i holed up in a church with a few other survivors, I kept a beady eye on the entrance expecting bandits or zombies to swarm in when one of my trusted compadres suddenly BLEW HIS OWN BRAINS OUT - so that was cool cos i took his beans. Then i sneaked over to the fire station where there were a bunch of corpses of survivors who'd had a shootout, looted their corpses too (starting to make me sound like a vulture) but then i went in the fire station and got a sweet shotgun and crossbow whilst some asshole took potshots at the town i was in from the forest, so eventually i make a break for the woods and head north for about half an hour. So after crawling around a few zombie-ridden villages I come across a fucking helicopter and i think fuck yeah helicopter time, but it needs repairing so I shout out for anyone who has helicopter parts to come meet me, by this time it's getting pitch black outside and the helpful survivor appears to be struggling to find me, so I light a campfire using one of my precious hard-won matches outside a small village to aid him in his search. All of a sudden he and his two other friends turn up... both of which seem slightly trigger happy and mad... so ignoring my better judgment I carefully lead them to the helicopter through the pitch blackness, just basking in my awesome teamwork skills and all-round thoughtfulness when suddenly... BANG one of the cunts shoots me in the back right there and steals everything I've spent hours accruing. And that, my friends, is why you never trust anyone in Day Z. P.S If anyone wants to team up, PM me.
  22. It was in the middle of the night, one of the guys I was with climbed in the gunner's seat and shot me - I believe.