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Everything posted by Clynkah

  1. I don't have any screenshots because I wasn't smart enough to do so, it wasn't really something screenshottable and my computer's not capable of recording while playing so alas, no video either. But basically I logged in to US 447 to go vehicle hunting, went up to check on the Heli my brother had stored nearby, and I see a guy in it, unload a clip into his face through it's windscreen and not even the glass breaks, he says Bye in white chat, I say "fucking hacker" then unload 40 more shots (2 clips with the m14 aim) at the heli in the hopes I can atleast kill him with it, instead of just lose it, and absolutely nothing. He then flips it over and crashes it into the ground, and then walks away from the wreckage and shoots me in the face (I was unconcious from the crash happening near me) Sadly he used the name Kyle so not even one I can be on the lookout for. Rocket I love you, and this mod, but it has 0 reliability right now with how prevalent hackers are. Bases are pointless cos they just use a radar to find absolutely every vehicle. Not even sure if reporting this is worth it but I figure, might aswell bring it to light and add my 2 pence, maybe some admin from 447 can get his GUID, idk. Editing in after reading the guidelines, what time/timezone it happened in. 8:45am GMT was the moment the heli exploded, so about 8:44 when I shot him alot and he didn't die.