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Everything posted by Allyourbase51

  1. Allyourbase51

    Hexplore, YourNightmere spawning weapons

    Ignorance is not an excuse for disobeying the rules ("I was doing 65? Oh, officer, i didn't know the speed limit was only 25" for a real world, albeit extreme example.) Although this isn't grounds for a CBL ban, there's nothing from stopping an admin from banning them from the server if the admin does not want hacked weapons on the server, seeing as very little seems to be getting done about server policing on the DayZ Dev-team's end.
  2. Allyourbase51

    facecake. hacker

    I believe you misread, Pyro. OP's intent in this sentence seems like: "Facecake, hacker cam on to the server i was on and started insulting people..." meaning that Facecake, not the OP, was doing the insulting.
  3. Severe desynch can provide the illusion that you're hitting them, but you're not. It doesn't have to be both people desynching, either. Isn't there the very likely possibility that there was more than one assailant, and that it was a coordinated ambush? Not saying that there isn't any possibility that he, or they, were hacking, but there also exists the possibility that they, or he, outplayed your group with an ambush.
  4. There are guns in the game with Grenade launchers, a-la http://dayzdb.com/database/m4a1-holo and http://dayzdb.com/database/m16a2-m203 Might want to do a little bit of research before making a thread.
  5. Just had a helluva good firefight with Dazbisk and Trodybeanw. Although Peanut and i came out on the short end of the stick, it was a thoroughly enjoyable fight.
  6. Not getting anything on the server browser at the IP, and i can't get on TS either. EDIT: Using the same version of both @Alderon and Beta Patch as of the last release YESTERDAY, if there was a new release since, i don't have it. EDIT2: Gametracker is telling me that it's offline ATM, any idea how long for?
  7. When i try to run the updater i downloaded yesterday, i get an error that says that it cannot resolve the remote name at 'alderongames.info', and when i try to use the link in the forum thread, i get an error stating that "Firefox can't find the server at www.alderongames.info." What's going on?
  8. The link that is currently posted on the thread is having a problem loading the page. Is the update server having a fit again?
  9. Protip: Ospreys do not like trees.
  10. Allyourbase51

    Banned on BMRF Chicago #1/#2 for no reason

    Wrong subforum, tool.
  11. Excellent server. The mod makes it a refreshing change from vanilla DayZ.
  12. If you're getting kicked because of missing .pbos, it's because you need to go into ARMA 2's Expansions menu, after running the launcher, and Enable @Alderon.
  13. Running the Updater right now, this sounds so awesome, i'm stoked.
  14. Allyourbase51

    Non-Shitty class idea for the Standalone

    Title is a lie. /thread.
  15. Allyourbase51

    Best suggestion ever.

    You got the wrong subforum, clown. I don't really know what to think of the suggestion itself, but at least make an effort to put it in the correct damn subforum.
  16. Allyourbase51

    Road blocks not rendering until too late

    This is a pretty big problem for me. I am constantly putting the headlights out on my UAZs, and i actually managed to flip a skoda arse over teakettle when i hit a roadblock doing 97 between Gvozdino and Novy. I was also almost killed when my friend hit and blew up another skoda on a truck, my ATV did barrel rolls, and my friend totalled his motorbike.
  17. Allyourbase51

    Thermal and night vision should be removed

    OP, quit wanking and go play DayZ DIAF. There's no "overpowered" stuff there.
  18. The answer to this question depends on the server difficulty. On recruit and regular, whenever you open an ingame map, you'll see your position as a blue circle, with a line pointing in the direction you're currently facing. Higher difficulty servers have this disabled, and you have to either be able to recognize landmarks (hills, buildings, roads) or know what town your in, by looking at the town sign (all town names are in the cryllic alphabet, so you may need to use a map like the DayZDB one, here which has the town names in the latin and cryllic alphabets. The best way on a higher difficulty server, is to have a GPS and know how to read the map's grid references.
  19. An excellent server, i've been playing on it for a couple weeks, and it's exceptional. The players are friendly, there are vehicles for everyone, and you can actually say "friendly" without getting turned into a gooey mess.
  20. Allyourbase51

    Gunrunners Arms Dealing

    The owner of this has stopped playing DayZ (hooray!) according to a post made here on the 10th of September.
  21. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/59478-gunrunners-arms-dealing/page__hl__gunrunners This little fuck. Was a member of the group, flew the helicopter for them. When we got raided, the leader (ikilleverything on the forums, {GR} Gunrunners ingame, Frank on TS) was too busy playing lingor and being an immature little twat (see: your mom jokes) to help rebuild, and relocate. Figured out that he was a skiddie, through logical deduction (Military Ural, KSVK, PKM, GP-25 Flares, a supermarket, medical tent, and fuel tanks at a location north of Pobeda Dam, and replacing a helicopter within an hour of its crash) and failed miserably when i tried to expose him. Moved on to a private hive server after a ~2 month hiatus. DayZ's on hiatus again right now because Mists of Pandaria came out (Fuck yeah, Panda Parade!)
  22. Allyourbase51

    US 1799 - hosted by Shadows of Syn

    I think the above user needs to be banned. He's spam-advertising a dating site. Mission accomplished.
  23. Allyourbase51

    Trading Legit Mountain Dew

    That's a terrible comparison. Diamonds actually have an industrial use, as they can be used to coat sawblades and drills to make them capable of cutting through metal. All you can do with soda is drink it.
  24. Allyourbase51

    Trading Legit Mountain Dew

    i'll trade for a legit Pepsi.