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Fail (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Fail (DayZ)

  1. A few random people on mic, although I usually shoot people before they can talk, so I don't really know.
  2. Great, but you forgot to include hackers as the #1 reason for dying on your list. I just want to gank people fair and square, and if they get me, so be it. But then, some guy in a ghilie suit with unlimited health spoils the fun.
  3. Fail (DayZ)

    Invincibility Hack?!?!

    Yep, seen it multiple times in the last few days. Snuck up on a sniper on one occasion and unloaded two clips on him at point blank before he realized I was even there, then he casually turned around and shot me. Three friends and I died and had our bus blown up by one guy on another occasion. I'm sure it was compelling gameplay for the hackers.
  4. It's a favorite among hackers. A group of hackers I saw the other day had spawned several of them and were rounding up the noobs telling them to get in and come for a ride. They were then driving them to a central location and opening fire. My friend got in the driver's seat and stole one, however, so we went for a drive around the map and then gave it to some random guy to play with.
  5. Why does it matter? I play as a black male to see how much racism I encounter.