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About Citic

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Skype

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Snowy Mountains
  • Interests
    Networking, building computers, Dr Pepper, Snowboarding, Anime, Snowmobiling.

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  • Bio
    Lived in the North West for all of my life. Moved to texas. Now have a good full time job. Texas heat is so awful, don't move here.
  1. How the hell do you even, that is completely impossible; even if you're a provider.
  2. Citic

    Soft restart

    Update to and the vehicles will save their location correctly, so will the tents.
  3. It's not hard, you request a new ID from the Dayz support team, wait 1-3 business days, and suddenly you have a fresh server It's very simple
  4. No i do not, I have one dedicated box for one server (the whole box, not just a VPS).
  5. Ah, so it sound like your be version is limited based on what Arma version you're running? Since my server is still running 95885 I'll try updating the arma version.
  6. Hey guys. Just wondering something here. I see threads of people claiming to update battle eye to 1.169 and my server keeps repeating "failed to update -- Could not connect to BE master". After a restart i'm still getting it and battleye.com says the latest version is 1.157 which is what i already have. I know 1.169 is the client version; but I was wondering if there was a new server version since i keep getting the failed to update error. Also, does battle eye normally update its self? Does it require a serve restart? Thanks for the assistance
  7. Citic

    DE 1243 repeated hacking

    Look in "remoteexec.log" in your battleeye folder and you should be able to see the players name, id, and IP.
  8. Incident happened on US 2524 Happened at GMT=-6 -- One Incident at 6:49pm, another one at 7:04pm What happened: I was at work while it happened (Still am). Player population on my server was 24, I noticed it declining steadily. I asked a player who was currently in game what was happening and he said a player was teleporting around killing people. It looked like he spawned a vehicle at 6:49, at 6:56 or so is when he started killing players. It didn't get logged until 7:03. From remoteexec.log 20.08.2012 12:49:04: Nexialist ( b144a57dbfec7729144ccaae9b53e44f - #0 "if (name vehicle player == TTT5NamePl) then {_xcompiled = compile TTT5derCode;call _xcompiled;};" 20.08.2012 13:04:38: Nexialist ( b144a57dbfec7729144ccaae9b53e44f - #0 "if((getPlayerUID player) != '67897414') then{ _xcompiled = compile TTT5derCode;call _xcompiled; }" I included some pictures (It wouldn't let me take pictures of the console because of FireDaemon) so i just took pictures of the logs. I really hope you guys can take care of this guy. I know you're not supposed to ban players, but i had proof thanks to the logs and i wanted to save as many players as i could (I saved 8 of the 24 =/ ) Hopefully some of the 16 other players got to disconnect before it was too late.
  9. Citic

    I am the taxi driver!

    You're a good man, I would hold a conversation with you if you ever picked me up. Tired of running 20 minutes to get to a city.
  10. Citic

    M4A1 Holo SD

    I forgot what topic it's in, you can find it in the "Rocket AMA" stickied thread about hacking. He stated that if you're found to be holding a hacked item that's in Arma2 but not Dayz, even if you did not hack it in, you can and will most likely be banned.
  11. Citic

    server- help please!!

    http://support.dayzmod.com/index.php Don't bother if you you live in the US and you server isn't dedicated in a data center with a 100/100 connection. The server has to have a quad core with at least 8gb of ram. Alternatively, you can purchase hosting from HFB or something if you don't own your own server.
  12. Citic

    The current dayz mod

    Why wouldn't i shoot everyone I see? They give me precious supplies and gear and if this was real, how are you to know if they are infected or not and just not turned? Turn your back and BAM bitten by an infected. It's kill or be killed my friend.
  13. Citic

    admin abuse uk120

    My bet is that Battle eye kicked you. It's been kicking a lot of legit player quite frequently.
  14. Citic

    Computer Help

    Remeber what i said about Intel fanboys? Here's one. I stated that Intel was better, but not for price/performance. the FX-4100 is $110 USD and the I7 is $300 USD for the sandy bridge and $350 USD for the Ivy bridge. Read what I wrote instead of being ignorant. And yes, for $110 the FX-4100 is incredibly good. I never said that AMD was better, you just fail at reading comprehension. Currently Nvidia is falling behind AMD because AMD can now push out equal to better video cards for a cheaper price. Don't get me wrong though, I prefer Nivida over AMD. Although for processor I will always go with AMD over Intel until Intel decides to chill out with their socket changes and over priced hardware. Stop being a fanboy and read up.
  15. Citic

    Computer Help

    Please stop, I know you're just trying to fuck with me but I don't want you confusing anyone with legitimate questions. I already stated the cards are similar but the 550ti is better because you can utilize DX11 where the the gtx 260 is only DX10.1. The 550ti is better at larger resolutions too. The GTX 260 is not even in production anymore unlike the 550ti I'm not here to argue which card is better. If i were to recommend a card i would recommend the 6950 for AMD or the 560ti for Nvidia. But those cards are currently sitting around $250 USD depending on the manufacturer.