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Everything posted by gs3

  1. gs3

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Are there any fallujah medics out there? i found myself in a pickle with no bandages and in need of blood.
  2. gs3

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Thanks to Transporter1 and his group for the help.
  3. gs3

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hello again, I am once again finding myself in need of assistance, I was snooping around green mountain and closed a door on myself and broke my leg. If anyone can help pm me here or get me on steam or skype, "Arspec" for both. I am currently located on top of the tower on green mountain. edit: I need morphine and blood bag.
  4. gs3

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hey guys, I am in need of assistance in Vybor, I am stuck unconscious with low blood, which is not bleeding anymore so i can't bleed out. If anyone can help revive me that would be great. pm me here or get me on steam "arspec" if you can help me out.
  5. I got it figured out how to use the medic thread after i posted, sorry but i got it taken care of thanks.
  6. Im actually in the same boat as you, if anyone can help me in the same area, Im usually on in the evenings after 5pm (CST US) If anyone is willing to help it would be appreciated, if not i will prolly crawl around until i find morphine or die. I can add you on skype or steam. I can log onto any server you would like.