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About kinderparty

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. kinderparty

    Melee Weapon Quick Switch Help/Advice

    How about they just make the hatchet fill the sidearm box instead of the primary weapon...? I always wondered why you couldn't have your hatchet at your side and quickly switch from primary to melee. Would it not be a matter of changing the weapon class?
  2. kinderparty

    What made you a bandit?

    I got killed by someone who had just given me a blood transfusion... Whyyyyy???? Most sadistic thing I've seen, it really got me to shoot on sight. I am not a bandit because I hate, I am a bandit because my trust has been broken far too many times.
  3. kinderparty

    Day Z Urban Legends

    Since everyone is talking about Green Mountain, I might as well throw in my own little weird happening... It was my second life... (first life I spawned in the SW corner and headed west... into the undeveloped map are.. terrible first experience) I knew Green Mountain was an obvious landmark, and seeing as I didn't have a map and I knew it had a military loot location, so it made sense to head there right off the bat. Not so much in hindsight.. It was probably midnight or so in-game, relentlessly pouring rain... I trudged my way through the forest, hooked through some villages and wound up on the east-northeast side of the mountain. I found the bisecting road that lead to the summit, and headed up south on the west side of the road. I was immedietly put off, because there was a flare glowing at the top of the road. Zombies were milling about, which I expected since there was a loot stash, but the flare indicated that someone was indeed nearby. I knew they burned for a while, but taking my chances was not in my best interest. I turned around and trudged back into the forest to the west, following a valley down the slope. Out of nowhere, someone in DC whispered "...kkkiiinnddeerrppaaarrrttyyyyy....." (my old username) and I got wigged out! I knew it was someone who had been around the block, because they MUST have had night vision goggles. I could see nothing at all, nor could my cursor, so I booked it. After running for only a minute or so through teh woods, I hear a truck, and see two bright headlights SMASHING throught the FOREST. Now, I've played arma a lot, and I know its hard enough to drive through a forest during hte day... but here was a full on 5 tonne truck coming straight towards me! "WTF how is this evem possible!" I thought to myself. there happened to be a random little shed that I tried to hide behind, and the truck came head on and smashed into it... I was fine after the initial attack, but he managed to track me down and run me over... Damn, that sucked. So I respawn on the shore, and lo-and-behold here comes the truck again, turning me into roadkill. Hackers. Brings a new meaning to the name.
  4. kinderparty

    ALWAYS unconscious when I come back to play...

    Rgr that, thanks for the quick replies. So it happened again: I play for an hour or so, find a safe spot under a tree far from any zombies, and log out. Several hours later (now) I log in, and am unconscious! It makes no sense. I think the game thinks I'm dcing as an exploit, but honestly im just leaving and coming back a few hours later, when I can play again. Crazy..
  5. Since updating it seems that every time I quit, my character is unconscious when I rejoin. And I dont mean quitting in the midst of combat, I mean like safely quitting at my tent in the middle of nowhere... then I come back and bam. Its a pain because I have to wait like 5-10 however many minutes before I can actually play again. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!