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Everything posted by 4L4N

  1. lol np's daedrick ! , if I made you into a forum mod you would understand just how bad it gets around here with the errrrm retardedness naivety :P
  2. hehe wishful thinking :P , I meant we started to get reports about this topic. So changed the title so the naive people don't complain anymore ;)
  3. Had to change the title of the topic slightly to avoid any confusion. Seems some of our members have forgot how to have fun.
  4. 4L4N

    How did you kill your first victim?

    Cleaned them. Should be ok now. OP , gotta be a little less trigger happy there when posting. The forums are abit laggy, give it time.
  5. 4L4N

    Coke or Pepsi?

    Ever wonderd why we never see fat people in a zombie apocalypse? :P How to survive a Zombie Apocalypse 3. As politically incorrect as this might sound, avoid fat people. They’re just going to slow you down and get you killed. In zombie vernacular, someone who is morbidly obese is simply referred to as “an afternoon snack,” or as they say in England, “tea.”
  6. 4L4N

    Weapon tiers? And other questions.

    Another good one for weapons and just about everything else in DayZ is http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/index.php?title=Weapons Also have a look through this thread for more cool links - http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/10051-index-of-helpful-threads/
  7. 4L4N

    a noobs first impressions

    Hi John, Welcome to DayZ ! It's quite a steep learning curve in this mod. Some links in this topic to help you get started though - http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/10051-index-of-helpful-threads/ Especially the one about voice coms too - http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/7954-voice-text-communication/
  8. 4L4N

    Can i get banned for...

    Unless BattlEye bans for 'hurting people's feelings' then I think you will be ok.
  9. Moved to Technology/Programming.
  10. Smells like a recruitment topic to me. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/29019-are-you-looking-for-others-to-team-up-with-want-to-announce-clan-read-this/ Moved to survivor HQ
  11. 4L4N

    Posting location of camps?

    Agreed it's a douche thing to do. Even if it is hackers that are finding your camp. We got to hope BE can one day stop them. But , what we can't do is Lock/delete those type of threads im affraid.
  12. 4L4N

    This game blows

    Here is a map , have fun ? - http://www.dayzdb.com/map
  13. 4L4N

    This game blows

    Don't you just love these type of gamers. Constantly running around with egg on thier face.
  14. OP Please read the pinned threads at the top of the forums before posting. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/29019-are-you-looking-for-others-to-team-up-with-want-to-announce-clan-read-this/ Moved to survivor HQ
  15. 4L4N

    I want friends...

    This a recruitment topic ? I'll move it to Survivor HQ anyway just incase. You will get more replys then. Moved.
  16. 4L4N


    Game what game ? Arma2 is the game. Dayz is just a free mod that we are currently alpha testing. Did you find a bug then ? Can it be repeated ? Actually, thinking about it , you get knocked unconsious , then another clan takes your car ... Did a grenade land near you but not quite close enough to kill you ?, you won't hear the explosion when this happens as your renderd deaf by the blast wave before the sound gets to your ingame ears. All you will see is you going unconsious.
  17. 4L4N


    Good job you added in that second paragraph otherwise your name would be sludge around here ..... oh wait
  18. 4L4N

    Best glitch ever. TP

    Old, info is old. Thanks for reporting it as bug though .... oh wait , you didn't. /me checks forum section ... General Discussion <_< Locked
  19. ..and not a single full stop was given.
  20. 4L4N

    Best settings for the game?

    There is ALOT happening in the background in the DayZ mod. Takes quite a powerful rig to make it run smoothly. Mainly a Very good Quad core CPU at least. As a test, load up the mission editor in Arma2 OA, start on the chernarus map in your preferred location and see what your fps are. Should be way more than in DayZ mod. Sometimes it's what Josh225 mentioned. Servers can get laggy when they havn't been restarted for a long time.
  21. 4L4N


    Claymores !! ... oh dear god NO. wait .... beartraps ? Arn't they the apocalypse equivlent ?
  22. 4L4N


    OP Please read the pinned threads at the top of the forums before posting. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/29019-are-you-looking-for-others-to-team-up-with-want-to-announce-clan-read-this/ Moved to survivor HQ
  23. rofl ! Also, Huh OP Please read the pinned threads at the top of the forums before posting. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/29019-are-you-looking-for-others-to-team-up-with-want-to-announce-clan-read-this/ Moved to survivor HQ
  24. 4L4N

    Dogs as Detectors of Humanity

    THIS ! , is one of the better suggestions. Sounds awesome OP. - My beans for you. Can add an option to Hush the dog for when it looks at certain players. ( scroll wheeel option when mouse over characters ) It remembers the player and knows not to growl at that certain player anymore. Useful for when you have a dog and all your mates are bandits.
  25. 4L4N

    Lingor Island Missing Files

    OP Please note - The devs are currently overworked, and cannot support this at this time. Take a look here for any other answers - http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/63701-lingor-island-chit-chat/ Locked