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Everything posted by 4L4N

  1. lol dang LHShift !! I only passed that huey last night at its spawn point. You have been a busy man :thumbsup:
  2. Absolutely amazing work Venthos ! I can't believe how many bugs you have fixed AND implemented awesome game idea's already and you only started learning Arma2 Scripting "the other weekend" !!! It's as though you are the other half to Rockets brain ! Now , the only downside I can see from this version of the mod , is that it won't be long until I can no longer get on the server due to it being FULL all the time B) Really hope you have the stamina to keep it up :thumbsup: I'll be spending many more hours in DayZ_DIAF
  3. IF command @ Horny THEN x=10 GOTO Draw me like one of your French girls Actually , im shite at programming.
  4. 4L4N

    Dayz Night Lighting

    Im not an Arma vet so don't know exactly, but all I could find was this http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=7137 http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?85283-Night-lighting-effects Since I saw that vid a few days ago I think its pretty awesome. Lots of suggestions in his YT comments on how it could be a viable option to implement it into DayZ. ( Pobeda Dam could be providing the last of the Electric etc ... )
  5. 4L4N

    Finding Private Hives

    Perfectly good list here Private Hive Server Listing with links to the admins Forums / Page if White Listing or Passwords are needed.
  6. Good going on getting the Lingor server up and running. Like Fraggle, I too have never been on it before so I may mosey on by and see what all the fuss is about :)
  7. Exactly the news I have been waiting for !
  8. OP Please read the pinned threads at the top of the forums before posting. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/8512-read-this-before-starting-a-new-topic/ http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/29019-are-you-looking-for-others-to-team-up-with-want-to-announce-clan-read-this/ Moved to survivor HQ P.S. Stop Creating new topics on the same subject. 80% of your total post count are about you wanting someone to play with. If your not getting many replies, take the hint.
  9. 4L4N

    it was a good day

    Would make cool lyrics for a DayZ song !
  10. 4L4N

    Logged out on a fliped ATV

    Bicycles is where its at. They must be the most OP vehicle in the game. Almost silent. No Fuel required. Small target area. Easy to hide when not using it. 50kmh+ On Road. 30kmh+ Off Road. Top speed 92kmh downhill on the wilderness hills. I've lost 2 this week after hackers teleported all the vehicles on the server to one spot :( Would give my right arm for another bicycle :D
  11. 4L4N

    Happy Birthday, Matt Lightfoot

    Happy Birthday Matt !
  12. I think 99% of your problems will be solved when you upgrade that CPU. There is ofc various settings you could tinker around with but tbh , they aint going to make a whole lot of difference framerate wise until you upgrade to at least a Quad core.
  13. 4L4N

    Need Someone To Play With!

    OP Please read the pinned threads at the top of the forums before posting. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/29019-are-you-looking-for-others-to-team-up-with-want-to-announce-clan-read-this/ Moved to survivor HQ
  14. 4L4N

    Anybody have a G36C SD?

    Trading with hacked weapons is bad mmmmmkay. Plenty of reasons why already in this topic. Locked ! P.S. Next time I see this its official warning time for the perpetrator.
  15. 4L4N

    Assisted suicide

    Moved to DayZ Gallery.
  16. 4L4N

    Shoot on sight!

    98% of us figure this out within the first few days. The other 2% are either slow to realise or have a pure heart of gold. Moved to General Discussion btw.
  17. 4L4N

    A lost character

    afaik a char will not be restored. The general consensus is that because it is in Alpha stage you have to accept that bugs and glitches can and will happen. Maybe this should be a bug report instead.
  18. 4L4N

    Vision Of Perfection

    Originally posted in Off-Topic section ? Will move it to Survivor HQ For OP - http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/29019-are-you-looking-for-others-to-team-up-with-want-to-announce-clan-read-this/
  19. 4L4N

    DayZ Tutorial : Wanna Get Better? (MUST WATCH)

    Moved to DayZ Gallery.
  20. 4L4N

    ESP [Buscamos clan]

    OP Por favor, lea los hilos pegados en la parte superior de los foros antes de publicar. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/29019-are-you-looking-for-others-to-team-up-with-want-to-announce-clan-read-this/ Trasladado a la Survivor HQ
  21. 4L4N

    I need a clan/group!

    OP Please read the pinned threads at the top of the forums before posting. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/29019-are-you-looking-for-others-to-team-up-with-want-to-announce-clan-read-this/ Moved to survivor HQ
  22. 4L4N

    US 2559 Another Hacker (U MAD)

    OP - Pleased read the pinned threads before posting. Especially this one - http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/5297-cheat-report-guidelines/ Locked
  23. 4L4N

    Frustrated as all heck

    The fail is that it's just an Alpha at the moment and not a polished triple A title that would normally cost you $60. Give it time or come back when it's not an Alpha anymore. We can help with most of your problems if you provide more info.
  24. 4L4N

    Dayz Breakdancing!

    Moved to DayZ Gallery.
  25. 4L4N

    Beeping in the woods... (Video)

    Moved to DayZ gallery.