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Everything posted by strider77

  1. strider77

    Stable - 0.48 Discussion

    Went online, joined about 5 servers. Went through 10 buildings on each server and found no loot. Got mauled by a zombie to death on each. Not sure what to think.
  2. strider77

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    The issue with the script does not effect every server, as some clearly run more efficiently than others. However private servers that prefer to have many vehicles or run many custom scripts, such as self-bloodbagging or NPC survivors or take clothes etc. i've found are effected by this at the very least on somewhat occasion, and especially when the population begins climbing. I'm only offering people a solution to a problem if they actually have it, and if they choose to do something about it. If not, that's okay.
  3. strider77

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Sounds to me like you can't do simple reading comprehension. Come back when you have something meaningful to contribute. The 60 is the problem value I spoke of. When the TICKRATE value [minus] the _timeNem is greater than 60, it triggers the problem script to begin removing objects from the map. This leads servers to do the familiar No loot or no zombie spawning issue that requires a restart to fix. The best fix I would recommend short of removing the script altogether is to change the 60 value to something much higher, such as 3600. This way, the script only activates when something is really REALLY dragging the server down. Though if the server gets that slow, a restart would be much more effective than letting the script stay active for too long. With the value that high, the script itself should rarely ever activate and the loot and zombies and all other spawning objects will function normally. This is what it looks like in my mission file: /*%FSM<LINK "too_many_objects">*/class too_many_objects { priority = 2.000000; to="cleanup_objects"; precondition = /*%FSM<CONDPRECONDITION""">*/""/*%FSM</CONDPRECONDITION""">*/; condition=/*%FSM<CONDITION""">*/"((diag_tickTime - _timeNem) > 3600)"/*%FSM</CONDITION""">*/; action=/*%FSM<ACTION""">*/"_timeNem = diag_tickTime;"/*%FSM</ACTION""">*/; };/*%FSM</LINK>*/ I never have problems with spawn breaking anymore with that change.
  4. strider77

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    Normally I'd be the one to say this, but not this time. It's ridiculous. In the normal mod, infection rates are unrealistically high, (though someone in a recent post here said they were bugged that way?), as well as bleeding rates being ridiculously high. Also it's clear the loot was ridiculously broken after some simple research by my server code and mod team. Let's start from the top after unpacking the files. When a player enters an area, the server allows a maximum of 80 loot spawn piles to have a chance of being populated around said player. Next, taking each of those 80 piles of loot, there is a 67% chance they will even have anything in them. One step further, the chance of trash being what spawns in those piles if they end up spawning something is fairly high depending on the type of building, 60% in industrial for one example. The issue with nothing spawning ever came from a performance issue/cleanup script that blocks having too many objects around the player or on the actual server. This script is roughly 8 lines of code and is called "Too_Many_Objects", a function. Basically, this function is triggered when the tickrate, how many times a second the server calculates where things are like bullets and people, drops too low. An example of this is when you shoot someone in the head, you know it was a direct hit, but nothing happens. When the tickrate drops too low, this triggers the function which begins to block and disable objects from spawning to save on performance. The threshold is quite low and breaks servers quite often. This function is the real problem and needs to be adjusted or removed or something, because it just flat out breaks loot spawns and even zombie spawns.
  5. strider77

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    For reasons already stated in the thread, I agree that the zombies are currently part of the problem. Hitting through walls, complete outrunning, knockdown every other hit, and hitting from 10m away. With the broken zeds, the severely diminished loot is just the icing on the cake in my opinion. This is just my opinion on the matter though. While some people may enjoy this patch, sadly it isn't for me. I've been playing for well over a year now but I'm close to calling it quits now until the standalone. The past several servers I've tried have led to me getting spawn-sniped with DMR spam, mowed down with a huey a few times due to no practical way of fending them off, or dieing from infection twice because I searched three hospitals and found no antibiotics. No food in the supermarkets either. Not to mention that what someone said about everyone needing to come together now is a complete toss up depending on which server you're on, but I have only seen someone shout out for help once, and it ended in them getting killed by the guy that was supposedly coming to aid. The loot spawns suck, so from what I've seen, people are seemingly resorting to full out bandit playing. This may not be the case on certain servers, but the many I have tried, as I said, only have ended up in bandit wars. I also still feel removing the .50 caliber rifles was the wrong call, but there's no use in voicing an opinion over that anymore. I'll be waiting for the hotfix to see if I walk away from the mod for good. Also, many servers still have the bloogbag issue so I hope that the hotfix can address this and not leave it up to the admins to do. For a portion of servers, this will be an extremely long time, if ever.
  6. This happened on the <GreenWookiee>/SSCo clan server about a half hour ago. These illegal items in their inventory are enough for me to ban them. In addition to this, they were teleporting all over the map, and also spawned in about 8 ghillie suits, 5-6 camping tents, and auto-repaired a helicopter they used. The hacked in items were distributed to all three of them. They are now banned off the server.
  7. strider77

    Why remove the 50?

    I agree with pretty much everything here. Even though I find it simply hilarious to see a friend of mine using a DMR like it's a fully automatic assault rifle, it really shouldn't be possible...to say the very least. He also scores many many kills this way against other players. In addition, I laughed myself into a weird shocked disbelief when he told me he rarely ever scopes in unless his target is at least 450-500m away, just hip firing. While I do believe that the AS50/M107, more the AS50 in my eyes, but both nonetheless, are extremely overpowered for several reasons. Weight, distance for viewing, and other things mentioned already are valid points. However I do not feel that completely removing them from the game is the right way to go. I personally believe that options like greatly decreasing the spawn rate would be better than outright removing that class of weapon from the game. Let me explain why I feel this way....but these are just my views and are not meant to spark an argument. I personally feel that the presence of an AS50/M107, for me, made me more often than not choose to not use a helicopter when I didn't need to. Those two guns are helicopter killers and pilots fear them. I like to believe I am a somewhat good pilot, not the best by any means, but competent enough to dodge a good amount of fire if I spot where it's coming from. With an .50, you really only needed one or two shots to take our the engine or the rotor. Without the fear/presence of a .50, helicopters will be much more difficult to take down. Also, on this topic, I have experienced many people spamming DMR shots to take down a helicopter when they did not possess a .50. With no .50s around, this will, I believe, become a commonplace tactic against helicopters. This can be viewed from the lack of realism view or sniper rifles not working properly view, in addition to other views so I won't go beyond just stating my belief that this will become the case. In addition, everyone knows it is a perfectly sound tactic to snipe out the pilot. Personally, I feel if it takes more than one shot, it won't happen because a competent helicopter pilot will immediately be able to dodge subsequent shots from the bolt action guns like the m24 and m40. The DMR spam would probably be the exception to this case, but again, take that belief as you will. Again, while I feel the .50s are overpowered in their own respects, completely removing the class of weapon shouldn't be done. Tweaking the spawn rate, or replacing them with more balanced guns that the community seems to favor/suggest (Lapua, Zastava to name some mentioned in this thread) are much more sound routes to take. I'll leave off with my one helicopter reason to avoid further expanding this wall of text.
  8. strider77

    50's, L119, or none?

    I'm not looking forward to taking down a helicopter with DMR spam then. I agree that another long range rifle, maybe not a .50, should be put in.
  9. strider77

    New RP server on East coast!

    Got whitelisted for this just recently. Looking forward to getting involved.
  10. strider77

    Unable to repair vehicles fully, since update 1.7.3

    I have found that these two methods usually work. Getting into the driver seat and driving it a tiny bit, or if it wont' start, attempt to drive it, get out and turn it off, then do it. Also the shooting with a pistol method works sometimes as well. If none of them work, try relogging and going through the process. I've also found out that the bug doesn't always happen, it is fairly random when it actually will occur.
  11. I don't think so? Am not entirely sure...
  12. Don't know if this is server side or Dart side, but lately my admin chat going through Dart takes an extremely long time to show in-game, if it even shows up at all.
  13. strider77

    The Notorious Can Incident

    Please just let it go at this point.
  14. strider77

    The Notorious Can Incident

    Actually if you had any real sense, you would know why I said that. But clearly you're just trying to troll, like him, so it is pointless. Quick little snide remarks in response to everything someone says, as has been the case is not something I give a shit about, so grow up and do a little research before you further embarrass yourself. On topic again before the trolls return, as I said, I don't see much reason why they got taken out and I do hope they are added back in again.
  15. strider77

    The Notorious Can Incident

    Firstoff, you need to be shot. Moving on! I personally didn't see a problem with adding the new items so by all means, I say bring them back. I don't see how their presence as it was broke immersion, so yeah, hoping they get brought back. Added more variety to the game.
  16. d11b5f709de2a918544385826062f14d - ESG - Paradoxdoc 455f105a1048e44f070a30e1f4d0eb99 - ESG - Tucker 6c50db2234cef8735916c256166d049c - ESG - Twitch
  17. strider77

    DayZ Mod 1.7.6 Update

    How do I bring up the stats monitor to see my zombie kills and stuff now?
  18. I do not know which end this problem is on, but Dart no longer picks up vehicle and direct chat for me as of last night. This morning it also stopped picking up side chat. I'm either thinking it's an issue with the server or typing into direct chat with nobody in range doesn't register it or something? I don't know, that hasn't been the case, as people have used all of the chats before to communicate with me as admin without a problem.
  19. strider77

    DayZ Mod Update

    Running a private server and the control panel (DayZ.ST) no longer allows for proper player loadout management. Am guessing that the server hoststill has yet to update this feature for the new patch on their side.
  20. strider77

    DayZ.st getting DDoSed?

    Currently the administration tools for my server are completely bugged out to the point where I can't change loadouts for players at all. Hoping this gets fixed soon so we can play again.
  21. strider77

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Game glitched away my assault rifle mags so i'm out of commission till the morning unless anyone needs some help in the Southeast area above elektro.
  22. strider77

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    the medic team consisting of myself, other wookiees, sya, nooblet, and terror has been hit by a hacker so we'll be out of commission for a while
  23. strider77

    Hacker on DE 1770

    It is still going on. My group of medics began taking fire from several different directions from a DMR. We were all taken down within seconds of each other. Our tractor was driven into a tree and crashed and our motorcycle damaged, bodies were disturbed in terms of loot when we had returned. He had begun to shoot on us again when we arrived and killed us all again. We noticed the tractor that was previously destroyed was now fully repaired. He was shooting from one direction at one of us, then teleported behind him and shot him from point blank with the DMR he was using. Upon the next spawn, one of us was spawn killed by a DMr at close range, and another was teleported into a house in novy sobor. After a few moments, he was teleported again somewhere else in front of someone who began giving him an AS50, coyote backpack, L85, and an M9 SD, which was some of the missing loot from our corpses.
  24. strider77

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I've been running around a lot today, had one experience that I would deem too close so I'm gonna call it for the night. I'll be back in full swing tomorrow. Good Luck out there medics!