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About DrKnockboots

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  1. DrKnockboots

    Looking for a squad

    I've done the whole two man scavaging/PVP thing, and i'm looking for a step up. If any teams/clans are recruiting, your based in America, and don't have a rediculously lengthy sign up process then drop me a line. Im 24, got steam/skype and all that jazz. Steam - DaddyDoja Skype - Dr.Knockboots
  2. DrKnockboots

    Need a new Day Z partner

    Im down too, im always on and handy in a fight. Also a hella good survivor. Steam. DaddyDoja Skype. Dr.Knockboots Hollar at me, anyone wanting to partner up.
  3. DrKnockboots

    Looking to team up Inquire inside

    I added you, skype is Dr.Knockboots
  4. Skype Dr.Knockboots im adding everyone in this thread
  5. DrKnockboots

    Looking for some people to play :D !

    nevermind, your in AUS.
  6. DrKnockboots

    Looking for some people to play :D !

    I added you. skype is Dr.Knockboots
  7. Nevermind, you live int he U.K. Im U.S.
  8. Im 24 and live in the U.S. Im not a noob, I dont need help getting anything. Im just looking for stuffto get in to with numerous people. F**k off if your talking about me registering with 3 different websites and all that crap. If your in a clan or group, your looking for an already equiped player to join the squad, hollar at me. Skype is Dr.Knockboots Steam is DaddyDoja
  9. Skye - Dr.Knockboots hit me up, i added you
  10. So im 24, from Texas in the United States, I got steam/skype/vent. Im NOT a noob. Steam : Daddydoja Skype : Dr.Knockboots I look forward to hearing from you.
  11. DrKnockboots

    Looking to create a group of 4 or five

    Steam - DaddyDoja Skype - Dr.Knockboots 24 with a mic, no noob shit here bro. edit : And in the U.S. Central time zone.
  12. Texas survivor looking for clan, partner, whatever. 24 years old, mic and skype at the ready. I play serious, none of that lolly gaggin shiz. (most of the time, hahaha) Tryin to do big things in the world....too bad Im always catching a round in the face from some bandit dude creepin up on me while im looting a firehouse/tent or somethin. Ive been going solo, shoot first ask questions later type of thing but its getting rediculously hard to progress without a support structure. So get at me if your down. Skype - Dr.Knockboots Steam - DaddyDoja
  13. DrKnockboots

    So i heard you like surviving...

    / \ I I I I got no idea why you posted that. Totally irrelevant. Anyways, im bumpin it up. Im seriusly in need of homies.