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  1. We are having a clan meeting today. all clan members need to at least attempt to attend or anyone interested in joining the clan should also join today on teamspeak.
  2. Hey guys I have bad need. CSA has experienced a fall from grace if I will and to sum it up, I'm one of the last members of the clan. I'm Just gonna make this easy and give everyone whos interested in joining the Teamspeak address. Come talk to me on the weekends at 1:00 or 2:00 US Central Time. Teamspeak: See ya then CSA JOSH
  3. Hey Guys I am back from 3 months of Basic Training for an 11-C Mortarmen M.O.S. It feels good to be back home.
  4. this idea is like prohibition... its a really good idea, but it won't work. i like the idea though u should message it to rocket or something idk


    @ darknight558 we have about maybe 15-20 we're honestly not sure lol. @ jaguar jim awesome dayz name. come back in a couple weeks cause we've closed down recruitment for now for the next couple of weeks until we get more organized.
  6. we're in the process of getting our own sever, and yes sometimes we have stumbled on camps and we will take stuff from them. (free stuff is free stuff lol)
  7. we're in the process of getting our own sever, and yes sometimes we have stumbled on camps and we will take stuff from them. (free stuff is free stuff lol)
  8. CHERNARUS SALVATION ARMY MOTTO: "We are tactical, we are notorious, we are soldiers..." Mission Statement: THE CSA (CHERNARUS SALVATION ARMY) is a band of soldiers that will offer protection and shelter to all of our own fellow members. This is an organization that will stick together with our members helping each other and surviving together communicating through our own teamspeak server. We also are in the process of getting our own "home" game server. We are based out of NA with members in EST, PST, and Central time zones but EU members are welcome as we play late into the night sometimes. We also have a military ranking system that our member are ranked by. (for example, I'm a Squad leader.) We are friendly to most players but if you come at us with a gun raised don't be surprised if we gun you down. So you want to join?Our requirements for the group are the following. You need to have a working microphone as well as teamspeak 3. In addition to this you need to speak English fluently and must be willing to help each other. Also you must be willing to cooperate with others in charge in emergency situations. (Such as our base being attacked) In order to join fill out an app and we will send you a message if we want you. (we're doing a sort of draft system now) DayZ Name : How long have you played DayZ : Time Zone: Will you stay loyal to our group?: What is your primary role requested?: (I.E. Sniper, Medic, Engineer) Rules: There arent many rules to adhere to in our community. But they are vital to your survival, and the survival of our Army. One: Never betray one of your own, if you do you will not make it far. Two: Don't exploit or hack. This includes alt+f4ing and especially hacking. Even if you are mad and you get killed somehow, stay in and if we go down we go down in some honor. Three: When you first meet us at our designated pick-up points, you will be required to drop all weapons on the ground and we will search you. We've had situations where someone thought they could take us on and were gunned down in the process. Don't worry, we will return your weapons to you later when we're at base. UPDATE: We have our own server now. It's up and running and works perfectly :) SIGNED CSA (SQUAD LEADER) JOSH
  9. he got mad and intentionally shot another teammate so we had no choice, and yes i know we're in bandit campfire it was an accident. also addsome no get on tommorow we're usually on by around 1 p.m. central time.
  10. No we aren't bandits. we don't go looking for trouble
  11. CHERNARUS SALVATION ARMY MOTTO: "We are tactical, we are notorious, we are soldiers..." Mission Statement: THE CSA (CHERNARUS SALVATION ARMY) is a band of soldiers that will offer protection and shelter to all of our own fellow members. This is an organization that will stick together with our members helping each other and surviving together communicating through our own teamspeak server. We also are in the process of getting our own "home" game server. We are based out of NA with members in EST, PST, and Central time zones but EU members are welcome as we play late into the night sometimes. We also have a military ranking system that our member are ranked by. (for example, I'm a Squad leader.) We are friendly to most players but if you come at us with a gun raised don't be surprised if we gun you down. So you want to join?Our requirements for the group are the following. You need to have a working microphone as well as teamspeak 3. In addition to this you need to speak English fluently and must be willing to help each other. Also you must be willing to cooperate with others in charge in emergency situations. (Such as our base being attacked) In order to join fill out an app and we will send you a message if we want you to join. (we do a sort of draft system now) DayZ Name : How long have you played DayZ : Time Zone: Will you stay loyal to our group?: What is your primary role requested?: (I.E. Sniper, Medic, Engineer) Rules: There arent many rules to adhere to in our community. But they are vital to your survival, and the survival of our Army. One: Never betray one of your own, if you do you will not make it far. Two: Don't exploit or hack. This includes alt+f4ing and especially hacking. Even if you are mad and you get killed somehow, stay in and if we go down we go down in some honor. Three: When you first meet us at our designated pick-up points, you will be required to drop all weapons on the ground and we will search you. We've had situations where someone thought they could take us on and were gunned down in the process. Don't worry, we will return your weapons to you later when we're at base. UPDATE: We have our own sever now. It's up and running and works perfectly :) SIGNED CSA (SQUAD LEADER) JOSH