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Everything posted by snorlax1304

  1. Come watch some Australians Play DayZ in our effort for better gear. We are taking suggestions on where to go and things we should do. We are a daily stream and we usually go all afternoon to late night! http://www.twitch.tv/grumpysnorlax1#
  2. Sorry do you have my permission to upload a video of me on youtube? I never gave you permission.
  3. I think you should post this in cheating not on here. Why do you not understand that I really do not care that your reporting me its just a game.
  4. Alright well post it on cheating report?
  5. Alright. Wrong spot to post that mate ;)
  6. http://www.twitch.tv/grumpysnorlax1#
  7. snorlax1304

    Hacker on ANZ 4

    *ANZ 4 *1am GMT +10 Basically the hacker (did not get the name) broke every single persons leg on the server then continued to drain blood,hunger and thirst, after 2 minutes he tried to kill everyone on the server. This lead to a kicking by battleeye of everyone on the server.
  8. Hey guys I updated all my files for DayZ. Yet when I join a server I get kicked instantly after the welcome message. I have tried to join all the servers and I just get kicked. I am running lite BF-PM. Thank you in Advance :)