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About 3pidemiC

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  1. 3pidemiC

    Looking For a Clan

    Hello everyone, I'm looking for a clan for any flavor of Day Z. Preferably one that is US-based. I'm really tired of playing with kids and immature people. Hopefully someone can offer something that is active, organized, and fun. I have been gaming in clans for over a decade, and I know what it takes to make a clan successful: Participation, activeness, maturity, organization, and communication. I can offer all of these I'm 24, have experience in building/moderating forums, and I also own a Ventrilo server if it is needed. Thanks. Take care.
  2. 3pidemiC

    Post Apocalyptic Wolfpack

    Application Sent! :)
  3. Thanks! Come one, come all!
  4. Join me in my vent server @ . I'll partner with ya.
  5. Tired of playing alone? Want to meet new people? Come Join Us Now! This purpose of this server is to bring people together who love playing DayZ. So many people want to work together and communicate while playing the game as it makes then entire experience more enjoyable. This server is open to the public and has been set up in good-faith that those who join will use it properly. It is an experiment of sorts and will be shut down if it is abused. Seperate Channels For All of the Popular Flavors! Current Administrators: zombi
  6. Tired of playing alone? Want to meet new people? Just meet a new player on this forum and don't know where to talk? Come Join Us Now! This purpose of this server is to bring people together who love playing DayZ. So many people want to work together and communicate while playing the game as it makes then entire experience more enjoyable. This server is open to the public and has been set up in good-faith that those who join will use it properly. It is an experiment of sorts and will be shut down if it is abused. Seperate Channels For All of the Popular Flavors! Current Administrators: zombi
  7. Hello, I'm interested in playing with you. 24/USA Add me on steam: flesheatingzombie@msn.com Take care.
  8. 3pidemiC


    Add me on steam: flesheatingzombie@msn.com
  9. 3pidemiC

    Looking for Partner

  10. It was the same situation for me. Natually, I am a person that strive to do good and help my fellow man. This worked for the first couple of weeks as I was learning the game. I found a few survivors and we got along fine and explored the world together. Then, all of sudden, every play I ran into was out for blood. I died countless times after exploring the map alone, stocking up on some decent items, only to be mowed down for absolutely no reason, by cowards to won't speak to me. Then I decided that I'd just start to shoot everyone on sight because, hey, if they are going to do it to me why not do it to them? Then, I came across a group of 3 survivors held up together in the market in Elektro and I killed them all after they refused to speak to me over the mic. I suppose it was their fault for not communicating and for all I know, they probably would have killed me if they had the chance. But I felt bad and I'm think about trying to be an upstanding player once again.
  11. 3pidemiC

    Last Resistance - Needs More

    Steam Username: flesheatingzombie@msn.com You must have a mic: Yes Age: 23 Are you willing to use Team Speak 3: Yes Have you been in a clan in the past? If so why did you leave? Yes. They either fell a part or interest in the game waned over time because of lack of participation with fellow members. Questions you have for the Last Resistance?: How many members do you have? What times of the day do you usually play? Thanks!
  12. 3pidemiC

    Recruiting more survivors!

    Name: zombi (in-game) / 3pidemiC (forums) Age: 23 Location: Michigan Playstyle: Looter Mic: Yes What I Can Bring: I am will to take risks for the better of the group. I have no problem putting myself in a dangerous situation if it means that my group benefits in some way. I am also great at communication and coordination.