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About ThatCoolGuy

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Hi! My name is Ben and I'm looking for any number of mature gamers relatively new to DayZ to pair up with. I played DayZ quite regularly last year during the summer and have just recently gotten the itch to get back in the game. I'm not looking for skilled players, I'm looking for mature individuals who care more about having a good time than getting far in the game. If you're interested, hit me up on Skype at "awesomemunchie"! Happy Zombie Hunting!
  2. ThatCoolGuy

    2 servers looking for bandit squad!

    I'll see what I can do.
  3. ThatCoolGuy

    Scouting for mature players

    I got a group of 5-6 already, but we're looking for more if y'all want to join up. Skype: awesomemunchie
  4. Hey all, I'm looking to either make or join a group of survivors. I have Steam and Skype, so add me or post your contact info below. Steam: WU SHOCK Skype: awesomemunchie
  5. ThatCoolGuy

    Anyone want to meet up?

    Skype is awesomemunchie
  6. Hi, I'm looking to pair up with a mature, newer player. I'm new to DayZ myself and am tired of soloing it. I live in the US central time-zone. Skype: awesomemunchie Steam: WU SHOCK
  7. ThatCoolGuy

    Looking for friendly survivors.

    Skype : awesomemunchie Steam: WU SHOCK
  8. Hi, I'm looking for a group of players relatively new to DayZ to help me make a group of survivors. The only pre-requisite is that you have a Skype. Add me at : awesomemunchie