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Broadside (DayZ)

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About Broadside (DayZ)

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  1. Broadside (DayZ)

    The Misfits : A Day Z video thread.

    Here is the second instalment of the Misfits clusterfuck across Chernarus. A little bit longer this time but full of starfish tickling moments. I think the title says it all.
  2. Broadside (DayZ)

    Some Perfect Skins for DayZ

    They look cool, but they fit more with a Metro/STALKER vibe. My personal opinion should have been that all survivors get random skins from the NPC civilians in the Arma2 engine and bandit skins should have been random Chedaki skins. Either way, I'm just waiting to have my bandit skin removed to stop dickhead survivors going all gun-ho on my arse every time I try to cross the road.
  3. Broadside (DayZ)

    Street lights at night.

    +12329473894265r896r98620946dgfhfgfg938r7348% for flickering lights and sparse dim lighting. Like four out of 10 randomly work, two flicker, one is dim, one is normal brightness in a random pattern throughout the cities but only the big cities like Elektro/Cherno/Solnich and Berezino. I reckon you should have one or two in the starter towns on the coast as reference points.
  4. Broadside (DayZ)

    IF this was an actual game...

    Never monthly sub. I'd happily dosh out £20 quid or so for it if it came as a neat packaged game like IRON FRONT: Liberation 1944 has just done. I snapped that shit up like a mofo, but I will never pay a recurring fee for a game. Besides, you'll destroy the community you've gathered (whether you care or not) and as a reference, Blizzard is already at the sucking dick stage to get players back. Keep it in the family, no point getting the community involved, keep it with the studio, that way ideas don't get fucked up. Getting a name behind it, BI for example, and having it a one time payment will give enough money for decent support (not that you aren't fixing this like a baus already) but it also gives it drive. I'd love to buy and own DayZ in my steam list and be able to play a polished product.
  5. Broadside (DayZ)

    A contract

    What Thrax said. As cool an idea as contract killing is and it is a fun mechanic in STALKER, unless we had either hard currency (pointless in an apocalypse where there is no primitive society) or a safe zone to use said currency, you'd just take one to the teeth the second the other guy is dead. Top idea, couldn't be executed though.
  6. Broadside (DayZ)

    Never doubt a bandit

    Fantastic read mate. I think someone else signature on this board has it down perfectly, 'You shoot me because of how I look and you call me a murderer?'
  7. Broadside (DayZ)

    Tape #11: 05-21-2012

    Dude this was fucking fantastic. I was listening to it while playing at night, tell you what I fucking shit myself when the zombie came for you.
  8. Broadside (DayZ)

    The Misfits : A Day Z video thread.

    Thanks lads. Mayhem is what we do best.
  9. Broadside (DayZ)

    Stuck "Loading" After

    Yep, got the same.
  10. Broadside (DayZ)

    So i guess im one of you now...

    Well, it's entirely your choice whether to become a bandit or not. I have the bandit skin, but I'd consider myself an actual Survivor, not those trigger happy baseball cap wearing bean hoarders, but an actual Survivor. I make sure the first thing I have is a compass and enough water to stave off dehydration. Then I get the hell out of dodge, keep to the tree lines and low walls, using the ridges and hills to hide myself from the horizon. You make the choices. There is no predetermined path you must follow, I won't shoot a man unless I have to or feel threatened. If you do wish to go bandit remember only one thing, you can always trust a bandit, because he'll shoot you in the face when you expect it. You can never trust anyone wearing a survivor skin, they'll shoot you in the back when you aren't expecting it.
  11. Broadside (DayZ)

    In game vs real life

    I suppose the only real way you can judge what people would do is to, well, not judge. It's entirely likely that most of us, if not almost all of us would be zombie meat and those that would end up doing something would just do it. Speculation gets you killed in the apocalypse, instinct keeps you going.
  12. Broadside (DayZ)

    Which T-Shirt design would you buy?

    I would buy the first one. I would masturcry for a hoodie.
  13. Broadside (DayZ)

    The Misfits : A Day Z video thread.

    Hi all, This thread will be a place I will post an upcoming mash of videos involving me and my group of fuck ups. The videos will be full of bad language, stupidity and hilarity, but don't lack the bum-clenching tense moments where a horde of zombies come round a corner. Enjoy the first instalment of our energy drink fuelled gun frenzy here: BE WARNED: lots of naughty words, so if you're offended, well, deal with it. More shall be coming soon, so enjoy. M.G.
  14. Broadside (DayZ)

    What bandit are you?

    ^This. It's bred an utter hatred for Survivors.