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About Ursus

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  • Website URL
    http://steam: =[BB]=SGT.Ursus
  • Skype

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    Trying to get on the Medics List... if I wanted to shoot people, id go play MW3.
  1. managed to get most of my stuff off the server, seem to be up durring the day, and later in the evening. guess they shut it down for dinner and pee breaks?
  2. lovely... manage to get your stuff out yet? I had quite the little clinic stocked up out in the boonies with a nice little camp... that totally blows.
  3. Ursus

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I am near electro... send me a pm,or add me on Skype. have a teamspeak server we can use.
  4. Ursus

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    made a skype account, anyone in south-west quadrant, I have a few medical supplies. medicinehatmactech on Skype.
  5. Ursus

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    looking to join the WhiteList. if anyone needs some meds, or gear in the SouthWest, I can help if you can get to my server. (PM for server name, I use DayZCommander) I found a chopper site with an almost full crate, and the server is almost empty.
  6. Ursus

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    now dead, starting over. don't touch my stuff.... i am going to try to help someone tonight... wish me luck
  7. Ursus

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    need morphine and Blood, or a few cooked meats; have a broken bone, blood @ 3700, holed up in a house (113 087) outskirts of Dolina. on server's Teamspeak. please help. PM or steam profile name =[bB]=SGT.Ursus
  8. Ursus

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    oh the link for the article... http://arstechnica.com/gaming/2012/07/the-healing-touch-dr-wasteland-brings-hope-to-day-zs-grim-world/ although it's kinda old news by now.
  9. Ursus

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    On Seatle 123. have a backpack full of blood bags. hit me up if you need one. Saw the article ArsTechnica did on the good Dr., figured I might try to help out.