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About klamacz

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  1. Yesterday I shot a man in the back, he was unarmed. Felt bad so I run to him, bandaged him, did blood transfusion and gave him painkillers. I said "sorry" he said "ok, cheers" and went on his way. Also I covered him, when he aggro'ed some zombies. I shot him because I wanted to get some loot, but felt bad, as he was unarmed and it wasn't really fair fight. He died couple of minutes later, in Cherno, I'm pretty sure someone else sniped him.
  2. klamacz

    L85A2 AWS

    I dont know if rare. We found 3 of those already. Trading it? Well, only for pickup :)
  3. This idea is very nice. I like especially the part that makes the game "alive", "dynamic" and still keeps it "emerging" from player's actions. Good job mate!
  4. My suggestion is: 1. add "Beans given" stat - it should count how many items (could be beans and water only), you, as a player given to other survivors 2. add "Survivors healed" stat - how many times you healed someone, including bandaging, blood transfusion etc Point is, that many players use statistics (those visible in debug window) as a value of their success, more kills, more succesfull I was. This would motivate people to try to help others, as well as reward those which are helping already.
  5. klamacz

    [DayZMod] The Dayz Statistics thread!

    And I also would like to check my personal statistics gathered in database, from my all life's in game. Checking by nick or game ID would be fantastic.
  6. klamacz

    New Item Addition - Surveillance Cameras

    PiP not possible with Arma 2 engine. Also, how you would power your network of LCD monitors in the wilderness?
  7. klamacz

    Friendly in Cherno Graphic

    Very nice work there, you surely have talent. I like graffiti on walls, signs of players. Something that is missing in DayZ but adds a lot of depth to the image. I'm putting you work on my desktop background :)
  8. klamacz

    Growing Food/Harvesting?

    Fantastic idea. Recently I started to play more stacionary. Less exploring, more tent placing, gathering resources, hunting. Fields of corn to overlook would be great addition. Also, when you are hiking through Chernarus, you sometimes encounter signs of other players. If you find someone's car you only think about stealing it. But if you find crops, then you would think about maybe joining this group or individual, cause there is no sense in just stealing that.
  9. YES It can be frustrating but is more authentic. I dont own weapon and most propably I would not have one at the start of apocalypse. For sure I would have matches and knife instead.
  10. klamacz

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    @Rocket: you're on track man! Good to see that full-time work in BIS on DayZ is paying off so fast. Good luck with debugging and keep us posted :)
  11. Post your ingame nick and consider being punished :)
  12. klamacz

    After playing for a week or so..

    Ultimate goal: society.
  13. klamacz

    Crashed A-10 Fighter Jet

    is it joke or what? was it created by cheat? if yes, there would be no option to restore...