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Everything posted by crimsonfire

  1. crimsonfire

    The Coalition - Changing the Culture of DayZ

    http://sinsofman.enjin.com/home these guys would probably be willing to join up on this coalition. They have learned from experiences and are now pure in keeping peace.
  2. Haha nice video. I guess ill put a resume on the site
  3. crimsonfire

    I need of a serious squad

    My steam is 360noscopeMLGmasterpro ade me im hella expeirenced
  4. crimsonfire

    Small group looking to add more

    My steam is 360noscopeMLGpromaster hit me up!
  5. crimsonfire

    <F.E.A.R> Clan

    Was thinking of joinig this group, but then i saw this........
  6. crimsonfire

    NO Name, not recruiting.

    Hi i am 19 years old from kentucky. I usually like to play as a sniper but i am up for anything you want to put me as. I have had arma for a month now and i think im pretty experienced with the game.
  7. crimsonfire

    New player looking for survivor buddys

    sure man ill add u