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About kurogane

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    Co-op game play
  1. kurogane

    Join my clan

    their page says 18 and up so you should be ok.to join~ i'll try to see you there XD
  2. kurogane

    Installation help

    download dayz commander it's much easier then click the "version" at the top of the screen and then update everything~ should work then ^^
  3. kurogane

    I cant even join a server

    try downloading the "dayz commander" this launcher tends to work better for me then the six launcher. but i did have that same error what i did was uninstall my dayz commander, then reinstalled it, then reupdated the current patches to be able to play again.
  4. i just find it almost impossible to join servers now... either the updaters jack up the ability in loggin in some servers or others refuse to update and making you revert to an older patch to play some servers and then spend the time to update it again to play back on your buds server.. it's almost to much effort to just play a game where hackers run rampant...
  5. kurogane

    This game blows

    Look out guys we got a bad ass here! (btw spell check wont hurt and if you are that old then you could afford an edumacation or what ever that hard word is...) but the game HAS no direction except survive it's an open ended game meaning you can do what ever you want. also zombies arent the only thing out there to kill you even in real life apacolypse, bandits will be everywhere then too. so stop being so butt hurt, stop playing if it's not your cup of tea, and get on with your life, trust me no one will care if you play or not~
  6. kurogane

    I literally cant find anything

    sadly there arent as many houses and buildings but the website dayzdb.com will give you a map that has almost every location marked off with what kind of items that are in them. most weapons of better quality are found in the military locations around airfields and such but uniforms are in random locations all over.
  7. kurogane

    US Mirror Not Working. Any Soultion?

    I say download the Dayz commander launcher. For me it works better then the 6 launcher but that's just me. reason i like it over the sixlauncher is because you can revert to the older updates ( and play on servers that still use that one. then jump back into the servers. just have to click the "version" option at the top of the launcher and update everything with just a click and you'll see a list of servers that are not grayed out that you can play on.
  8. halojunkie123 or captain leroy? lol but i'll help you out when i'm on. steam homefry870
  9. kurogane

    Getting connecting failed for all servers

    my advice is to download the dayz commander > update it > play on the highlighted servers (or filter out the wrong arma 2 and day z servers) so you can play.
  10. kurogane

    Need Help. PLease Arma II CO problems.

    another one is dayz commander, it allows you to download latest dayz and arma 2 patches also gives you the option of reverting to an older patch to play on other servers
  11. kurogane

    WTF happened to me?

    unfortunately it's just a glitch which happens every now and then when server hopping, random d/c, avoiding zombies and such more frequent when you leave the game.
  12. kurogane

    HELP! DayzComander Error. ***please read***

    no prob, took me a min to get things up and running too, if need help again shoot me a message normally on in afternoons around 5 p.m. - 10 p.m. EST (servers very)
  13. kurogane

    HELP! DayzComander Error. ***please read***

    on your dayz commander did you go to the top of the screen click on versions and update and install all the updates?
  14. kurogane

    New Map - Смерть всем

    excided for the map!
  15. kurogane

    Come join us on our new server....

    is there a group i can join on the server?