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Everything posted by discwv

  1. discwv

    3 questions...

    Hold the right mouse button to zoom in, tap the right mouse button to toggle sights.
  2. discwv

    Its ok to Alt-F4 when their is a hacker

    Alf-F4 logs you out of the game quickly. It is used by a lot of people to cheat death when they're in a firefight that they can't win, and sometimes even after they've been shot and killed. It's just an escape to pad the game down for those who are too afraid of losing their stuff. If you've been teleported though, well now you're working with a different set of morals. When other people are cheating to kill you, you're in the okay to cheat to get away.
  3. discwv

    I am a beginner. Tips?

    If you're entering a town without any weapons, try and find a steep hill near the town. If any infected spot you it's easy to lose them by quickly running up the hill. The trick is to run up the hill at an angle so you aren't forced to walk, and can keep your speed up.
  4. What's up guys? I'm looking at putting together a squad for those players who understand the game but want to take their knowledge and skills to the next level. We'll be working mostly on efficient communication at first, but if we become proficient enough we may begin trying to stretch ourselves tactically. Requirements: (there will not be many of these. I am a newb. I know very little of tactics. I hope to learn communication through the mimicking of what I see done by others on YouTube and whatnot. I don't really expect anymore than that from others.) Please don't let these scare you. -Maturity: Age does not matter, as long as you are mature enough to follow commands and take criticism. We are all here to learn, and if you are not willing to learn with us or you are preventing our learning, then you will be dismissed (and, most likely, promptly shot). -Basic understanding: The DayZ inventory system can be confusing at times, but it isn't hard to learn. A 10 minute YouTube video will teach you everything you need to know. The same goes with the map structure, knowing north is more dangerous and cities are more traveled. Status conditions. The difference between shock and a broken bone confuses quite a lot of people. -Willingness to learn: Again, we are here to learn. If someone finds a paper on military tactics that is deemed useful, you will be expected to read it (though I don't expect this). When our squad is massacred by a lone wolf with an ax, you will be expected to reflect on your death. -Ventrilo and a mic. Please don't let any of this scare you. I myself am a newb and an easy going guy. I hope we will be an easy going group. The serious will be only brief interludes between the good times. Rules, and these are subject to change. Please, again, don't let them scare you. They will be only common sense, and easy to follow. -There will be no shooting on sight. It's simply too dangerous with a squad of people who may not be able to remember where everyone is at one moment. -We will only kill in self defense, or in order to control an area. For instance, if we are traveling and we see a random player with no weapons, we will leave him unmolested. If we are trying an exercise to control a portion of Cherno, then any contacts will be eliminated. That's part of controlling an area. -Don't loath death. Again, we're in it to learn. We are beginners. WE WILL DIE. Mistakes are how one learns. -Think for the better of the group. Don't get attached to weapons that might be better in the hands of someone else. Don't flee during a loosing firefight. This goes hand in hand with the rule above. Don't try to be a martyr for our squad, but do not force others to be a martyr for you. Finally, one last time, DON'T LET THIS SCARE YOU. It's not scary. Think of it as the college of squad work to the highschool or lone-wolfing. It may seem intimidating when reading the requirements, but really all you need is a passable test score and the effort to put a bit of your time into it. Basics of learning strategies: We hope to learn, by experience and practice, the system of squad warfare and tactics. This means that at some point we will likely travel to the north to test ourselves as a group. We will practice communication skills, and in death we will be expected to reflect on our demise and think over how we could have better handled the situation. Through this we will hope to build effective communication methods for spotting targets, as well as with decision making and action. You need not have any skills, really, to join. If you do have a specific skill, though, feel free to join and teach us. I would be ecstatic if someone who understood rangefinding and marksmanship joined, as I personally want to learn sniping. I do not want this to be a clan. I would rather we maintain a size under 6 people, though I would be willing to go up to 8. We will not be making bases or stockpiles. We will not play on a specific server. If we do find a helicopter or a bus or something then we might save it and come back to the same server later, but I would rather cross that bridge when we come to it. I will be running a Vent server for us to talk over. Or, if someone can convince me that it's better, a TeamSpeak server. So, if you're tired of lone wolfing and you want to buckle down and get serious, or you watch sniper groups on YouTube hunting down bandits and you wish you could start heading in that direction, this is the squad for you. Feel free to message me if you're interested (Include your Skype username if you do, that would be best). If you think I didn't explain something well enough, or you have any questions, please, ask them.
  5. discwv

    An Appeal To New Players

    Definitely. It's the same for me. I saw a pair of players yesterday and my heart near blew out of my chest, and I immediately started questioning whether I should shoot them or not. I would play battlefield if I wanted to just shoot people without thought. But, there are a lot of people out there that don't really need that extra emotion to get a rush. Kids that come right from COD, or something, that think all it really takes to kill a man is a pull of the trigger. Or people that just aren't in it for the emotion, and are just out to kill people. It's too bad, too, because the emotion is such a massive part of the game.
  6. discwv

    An Appeal To New Players

    I don't know. Some people are willing to throw away the time, and most people don't really think about how things would pan out in real life. I'm a newb, but I'm patient and careful with every fresh spawn, right from the start, and I always last at least a coupe hours before I get shot. I mean, the risk or running into the north from the getgo just isn't worth it to me. But I can see why it would be for some people. And it's hard to get people to try and treat the game as a real life experience. I try my best to think about the ramifications or my actions but it's really understandable that people wouldn't. It is a game, after all.
  7. discwv

    Introduce yourselves

    Hey mates. My names Patrick, and I play under the name discwv. I've only had player contact twice, after almost a month of playing, so I haven't really decided whether I'm friendly or not. I've been playing lone wolf for the whole time. Worked my way north all the way to Stary. Snuck into the tents at Stary, found an assault rifle and headed south again. Ran into a pair on the way back, decided to follow at a distance, debated attacking them. They spotted me and I killed one and was killed myself. Probably should have just left them alone in hindsight. Anyways, I'm tired of being a lone wolf, so I'm probably going to start a thread here looking for a mature squad of noobs, like myself.