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Ollie Williams

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Everything posted by Ollie Williams

  1. Ollie Williams

    Hacker (Xavier), US 1331

    Yup I was there. Unloaded half a magazine in his head before he aimed back at me and killed me.
  2. Yesterday night, I was logged into the US 1074 server. I had just spawned and started running down the main road east of Balota towards Chernogorsk. On the right side of the road half way between the airfield and Chernogorsk, I spotted a URAL civilian truck that loocked drivable. I hopped into the driver's seat and noticed it had full Green status in all categories with a full tank of gas. Not wanting to get shot from whoever had most likely brought it here and was lurking the area, I drove it away into the woods as fast as possible in order to inspect what goods were hiden in the cargo. After safely getting out in a remote location, I openned the URAL gear and found almost 100 different mags and various ammunitions. Among these were some grenades and ammo that can't even be found in DayZ at all such as the KSVK ammo. At the time, I had no idea some of these couldn't even be found in game. A friend of mine, who has been playing DayZ for much longer than I, had brought these facts to my attention as I described the loot in the truck to him. Today, I logged in again to US 1074, only to be met by what looked like the admin in a chopper taking people out one by one (including myself) with great accuracy.
  3. Ollie Williams

    Hacker on US 1044

    My friend Doomfest was teleported to them and he saw the dead body on the floor as they were saying "you won a car" so he closed his game asap. I did the same as I was teleported right after.
  4. Ollie Williams

    Hacker on US 1044

    This just happened to me on the same server less than 10 minutes ago. This topic popped up as I searched for the server on the forums. Karoi, LOL, Shamdam and Monoxide were the people on the server at the time.
  5. Ollie Williams

    US 1074 - Admin abuse + Hacked Item spawning

    I don't care what you do on your server. Having played on it for a couple of days (and had lots of fun in the process), I felt it was necessary to report some things I witnessed which would go against the norms of the game. Now I obviously don't have access to logs or anything which an admin or a server host would usually have to make accurate reports, but I reported to the best of my knowledge nonetheless. What you believe is fair or unfair on your server is entirely your prerogative. My decisions go no further than what servers I will play on.
  6. Ollie Williams

    US 1074 - Admin abuse + Hacked Item spawning

    Hasn't been the first time it seems. There is another topic opened with the same accusation. Edit: Here it is http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/47533-admin-abuse-on-us-1074/page__hl__1074
  7. Ollie Williams

    US 1074 - Admin abuse + Hacked Item spawning

    Also, don't lock your server when someone else kills you. Or maybe I should just tell Yammic not to lock your server when someone kills you.
  8. Ollie Williams

    US 1074 - Admin abuse + Hacked Item spawning

    Completely irrelevant if it was not obtained legally.