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Everything posted by cralor

  1. cralor

    US 1345 - Admin Kicking w/o Cause

    This is till happening: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/54422-us-1345-everyone-died/
  2. cralor

    US 1345

    Still happening: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/54422-us-1345-everyone-died/
  3. cralor

    US 1345 everyone died

    Does this not help? Maybe a of ?All of this evidence continues to show continued admin abuse. You actually show up in one of those videos under [YOLO]CHAZ. That would explain your signature on an old forum account. You are (or were?) an administrator of "Chicago 628 - YOLOGAMING" I wonder why you got a new one? Additionally, the video's MOTD IS "Welcome to BIGDICKGAMING". As of this post, the server's MOTD is still "Welcome to BIGDICKGAMING". This information, on top of the fact that earlier this evening I killed "OVERLORD CHAZ" and took his perfectly clean helicopter and was later ripped of my gun and inventory, and instantly killed next to the helicopter. Congratulations.
  4. cralor

    US 1345 everyone died

    You've got quite the setup. Your own server, using hacks and scripts under "OVERLORD CHAZ", and then switching to "KING CHAZ" to follow your forum username to cover things up. And then simply brush everything off using the "admins don't have these powers" argument. Sure, they don't. But that doesn't mean they cannot use hacks or scripts. I mean, hey, you can't ban the admin can you?
  5. cralor

    US 1345 everyone died

    Ah, okay. OVERLORD to KING. That's quite the switch, man. Edit: Also, why did you make an entirely new forum account? http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/user/57207-chazzy/ to http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/user/75044-king-chaz/
  6. cralor

    US 1345 everyone died

    Who is "OVERLORD CHAZ" then?
  7. cralor

    US 1345 everyone died

    I'll take a look. But can you confirm that you were killed after getting out of your helicopter?
  8. cralor

    US 1345 everyone died

    Just coming here and noticed this ironic thread. You just killed three of us with hacks after we killed you naturally and wanted to try out the exciting helicopter you scripted in.