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About TopShelf

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  1. Hello and welcome to all whom this may interest TopShelf is currently looking for mature players to help fill our ranks. We are a relatively new clan but we do have our own server and as we grow we will more than happily invest in a Vent/TS server. Tops Shelf is open to players of all types from the frequent to not so frequent players and the new to the well seasoned veterans, the only thing we ask is that you do not steal from or kill other clan members and that you are self reliant when it comes to collecting your own equipment we don't mind helping members out but it would be nice if you would show a little initiative and pick up a few items first. On a side note we do have vehicles and of course a camping site for surplus tools and weapons we find. If you are interested in joining us feel free to message me directly on the forum or on our Facebook page. (http://www.facebook.com/topshelfdz)
  2. Ya dude I would love to trade you my MK 48 for an M24! You can contact me though a message on the forum but I will respond much quicker on our facebook page http://www.facebook.com/topshelfdz.
  3. Hey guys I'm looking for an M24 again. Right now I'm offering NVG, Range Finder, Ghillie suit, Camo clothing, M4A1 CCO SD If you have an m24 and want to trade for any of one of these items you can contact me at our facebook page http://www.facebook.com/topshelfdz.
  4. TopShelf

    Gunrunners Arms Dealing

    In game name: (TopShelf) Vodka What you're trading: NVG, Range Finder, Ghillie suit, Camo Clothing What you want: M24 age: 21 current clan (if in one): TopShelf will you be using overwatch (for my own safety): No
  5. TopShelf

    Gunrunners Arms Dealing

    Hey guys I'm looking for an m24 Right now I'm offering any of the following. -NVG -Range finder -Ghillie suit -camo clothing
  6. TopShelf

    Looking for an M24

    I'm still looking for an m24 if anyone out there has one I'm looking for it asap so if anybody could do this trade tonight that would be great.
  7. Hey guys I'm looking for an m24 right now and have some extra supplies I'm willing to trade for now I'm offering -NVG -Range Finder -Ghillie suit -Camo Clothing -AS50 (3 mags) (you DO NOT get them all)
  8. Hey guys I'm looking for an m24 right now and have some extra supplies I'm willing to trade for now I'm offering -NVG -Range Finder -Ghillie suit -Camo Clothing (you DO NOT get them all)
  9. TopShelf

    US 1045 Banned? [Could Be Admin Rage]

    No your not banned we have yet to ban a single player it could be another server bug we have been having a few lately that were trying to sort out through the hosting company.
  10. Just found the FN FAL AN/PVS-4 at a crash I don't really plan on using it so I'm looking to trade for items of interest if interested feel free to post with an offer and we can arrange the trade.