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Everything posted by Madlev

  1. Madlev

    How many Ghillies have you found?/When?

    I found one in a house after being killed I equiped it, and died 50 meters later ... The second was in a stoled atv :)
  2. Madlev

    All stuff stolen by invisible man.

    Logs will tell the truth exactly
  3. Madlev

    All stuff stolen by invisible man.

    Anyway the log will prove it, i've lost my stuff and that's all
  4. Madlev

    All stuff stolen by invisible man.

    I swear i've never said "fuck" And I swear I didn't hack The guy who has been tranformed in dog and killed said me that you were ( bastoul ) a hacker
  5. Madlev

    All stuff stolen by invisible man.

    Log will prove it anyway, it wasn't me I just ***in lost my NVGoggles ...............
  6. Madlev

    All stuff stolen by invisible man.

    i just came here to pity me and you've been faster than me
  7. Madlev

    All stuff stolen by invisible man.

    And the guy who cheated had no name, when he was speaking on the global chat, it was written "( )"
  8. Madlev

    All stuff stolen by invisible man.

    I've been stolen too in FR 15 It wasn't me, i'm a victim too when i respawn I only had the standards objects ...
  9. Madlev

    Looking for a group/clan/etc..

    I'm looking for a partner too but i'm french and a bit bad in english