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About Lawlieth

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  1. Same thing happened to me now,but i spawned in the wilderness :(There is no more the guy that can take you back to the beach with your stuff ? was named Vipeax
  2. Hi Vipeax,i have the same problem,i was north of Krasnostav with my mates(we have a camp there),after the dinner i just joined the same server and i found myself in the wilderness with only my backpack,is it possible to restore my equipment and make me spawn on a "playeble" place ? the beach will be fine! Name in game : Fenriz Player ID: 55476230
  3. Same problem here,no one know how to fix it ? iv tried to reinstall the mod but I have not solved anything....
  4. Lawlieth

    Wilderness spawn WTF?!

    Today i got the same bug and i lost my m107 with lots of ammo...nice...waiting for the standalone version.
  5. Lawlieth

    Lost all my gear for a bug.

    Ok didn't know that,thanks all for the info! Time to start again .__.
  6. Hey,i just logged today(DE 2782) and i found my CH with Nothing(lost NV vision,GPS,M4,lot's of ammo)the only thing i found my ghillie suit on...my friend logged in the same server,in the same time and is still doing well...what happened to me ? Maybe i should wait for the standalone version instead of playing this buggy alpha...
  7. I have antibiotics,are you giving all this stuff ? send me a pm mate :)
  8. Lawlieth

    Friendly Mode - by shouting.

    Would be great!!
  9. Lawlieth

    Graphical Issues

    Hope this will be fixed in the next patch :)
  10. Same problem here...near the balota airfield,cannot see anything! :(