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Hobs (DayZ)

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About Hobs (DayZ)

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  1. Heres the IP address again, for an easy copy and paste: Currently still on, will be updating shortly.
  2. Hobs (DayZ)

    Cannot not play dayz properly

    Everything is up to date, My specs are fine to play the game(That wouldn't even cause this issue). Windows 7.
  3. Alright so I cannot play dayz properly at all. So I cannot use six launcher or dayz commander because whenever I launched them i get a error: clr error 80004005, Tried fixing that forever and all the goggled "solutions" never truly worked. So I get stuck on loading on half the servers, only to found out i'm on 17.2.4 still, but when I clearly updated my beta build to the newest, same with battleye, and I defiantly downloaded the newest dayz version. Just to make sure I had the right version, I copied my friends dayz file who was running it to mine. This would be much simplier to solve if I could run dayz commander and use that to update. Instead I just launch arma 2 oa through steam and play dayz that way. I'm in dire need of help. tl;dr - Dayz commander/six launcher won't work, game won't update, can't play properly.
  4. Hobs (DayZ)

    Found A Helicopter, But I Can't Save It?

    Well, we landed it and I tried again and I managed to find a spot to save it. Sorry for the pointless thread now. Also I logged on right by it, and on the map it just said free heli.
  5. Found a fully repaired helicopter in a hangar, after cruising around with it with my bro, we decided to park it for the day and log off, but as i was walking around the heli for the option to save the spot its in, it had no option to do so. Whats up with this?
  6. Hobs (DayZ)

    How to zero the SVD Camo

    The first arrow(Largest one) is for up close sniping. While the rest of the arrows follow in order from the table to the left of the scope, you use that table in order to measure how tell your target is to decide which arrow to use. If they measure up to the 2 you would use the first small arrow, if they measure up with the 4, they would be on the 2 small arrow,etc. 2= 200 meters, 4= 400 meters, and so fourth. The .5 is for prone targets.
  7. I don't start Dayz by just running it through steams OA launcher, Instead i'll launch it with six launcher or dayz commander. You'll have to adjust in the settings to make it launch with steam though.
  8. I thought I was the only one that did this.
  9. Hobs (DayZ)

    Stuck on those loading screens....

    I've tried the newest version, and, replaced files, and all that stuff but yet i still get stuck on same loading screens myself(some worked if i got lucky). I believe you'll just have to find the right server for you, and/or wait for a update.
  10. Hobs (DayZ)

    Script restriction #125 means what?

    Yes it would be good enough to ban him. With cheat engine, some people use it to inject scripts into the game. Some people manage to spawn vehicles,weapons for them selvs,etc.
  11. Hobs (DayZ)

    Six Updater Error..

    I've been helping ayeimsean, and we already done that sgt.asshat, As well as removing framework and re-installing it. Ran everything as admin, Verified the files through steam. Practically we tried everything.