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Posts posted by AS50_is_the_new_makarov

  1. OP and his stooges are hackers who want you to give up the fight by convincing you that you cannot possibly beat them. They're taking this shameless and desperate approach for a reason.

    Go to any hacking forum and look at the tears. Go and see how their bypasses are failing and watch the script kiddies beg for cheap replacement CD keys, then laugh as they cry when they get scammed. It's wonderful!

    BattleEye is working - albeit slowly. It has many, many cheaters to catch, but I'm confident the attrition rate among the cheaters is high and getting higher. Many of them are getting tired of buying CD keys and waiting for working bypasses. Seriously go and see for yourselves; finding these sites isn't hard. One of the best known ones has had their hack offline for over a week - the irate users (who pay a subscription) are a sight to behold!

    You seem to have a suspiciously large amount of in depth "inside information" about the hacker community. I think im going to have to report you since you are most likely a hacker and a threat to humanity.

  2. Yes.

    Your posts make me giggle. ;)

    I hope for the sake of humanity that you are trolling Ive spent 2 years studying philosophy Im pretty sure I know what Im talking about in regards to argumentum ad hominem and Im 100% sure that you and your Pseudo-Intellectual friend Max Planck have no clue...

    Yes it is. You aren't arguing or explaining your point, you are insulting the other guy's intelligence to make his statement appear invalid.

    You are attacking the man, not his point.

    EDIT: Imagine if I argued that you were wrong based on the fact that you can't spell for shit. They only difference is, your "lack of intelligence" comment was not based on fact but on fabrication.

    an insult like that one I made is NOT argumentum ad hominem since I didnt follow it up with anything. You however said basicaly that I use bad language and therefore my arguments are invalid AND that is an example of argumentum ad hominem. None of my insults were ever connected with my actual arguments they were simple statements.

  3. You know, he failed to grasp that concept last time. What makes you think this time will be different?

    To be fair, I chuckled a little. ;)

    Are you serious? I apparently understand that much better than any of you since max silly guy is again using it incorrectly and you seem to agree with him showing you dont understand it either. argumentum ad hominem is if I said something like you smell like a pig therefore you dont know what you are talking about. Me simple stating something like "you lack intelligence" is not argumentum ad hominem. before I wasnt sure if max Planck was miss using it or not but it apears he was indeed miss using the term. I guess every internet forum has to have its Pseudo-intellectuals you sir and max Planck fail big time... :thumbsup:

  4. An ad hominem (Latin for "to the man"), short for argumentum ad hominem, is an attempt to negate the truth of a claim by pointing out a negative characteristic or belief of the person supporting it. Ad hominem reasoning is normally described as a logical fallacy, more precisely an informal fallacy and an irrelevance.

    O...K... you just proved me right by saying that you used a logical fallacy. Not sure if you know that you probably do but who knows with the amount of idiots around...

    Actualy, not sure sorry if im wrong but you might be trying to say that me using insults is argumentum ad hominem therefore you actually think my whole argument is a flawed and meaningless? If you are indeed trying to say that than you are wrong because while indeed the insults themselves are meaningless the actual argument stands strong.The thing is that you saying my whole argument is wrong because I used bad language, NOW that is a prime example of argumentum ad hominem hence I facepalmed and hence you saying that im wrong because I use bad language is a logical fallacy.

  5. Listen guy.

    Treating people with opinions differing from yours in such a way does not make you look any wiser, make you appear any more masculine or whatever you are trying to achieve by hurling insults. It does not reinforce your position in any way.

    It makes you irrelevant to the discussion.

    Wow please explain wise man how it makes me irrelevant? *facepalm*

    Its quite funny to be honest because you saying that it makes me irrelevant is as idiotic as if I said that it reinforces my position too bad for you i never said that, you on the other hand came up with some bullshit, congratulations to you sir.

  6. So basically what you're saying is “You're correct. I'm a troll, and have nothing constructive to add to the conversation.”


    It's a pity that you're incapable of actually responding to my points. It could have been an interesting conversation.


    Can you seriously not wrap your tiny mind around the fact that in this discussion hackers are completely out of the equation?? Yes of course they are an issue and a big one and NO ONE FUCKING said otherwise however when talking about the fairness in the actual game you can ignore them. Like holy shit use your fucking brain you think when people are balancing a game they are gonna say "well hurp drup gosh darns it wes has not balanced game cuz haxors can exist and its breaks it :o", NO! they will treat the two SEPARATE they will balance the game for those playing without hacks and than SEPARATELY adress the issue of hackers by trying to simply reduce the amount of them at no point in time will they say: "hmm but wow :o what if we have a hacker in this situation". I shall repeat the point for the fourth time for you numbskulls Hackers are a whole different issue here. Also use brain before post please...

    You make a bunch of points about things im not talking about than after I explain to you how hackers are not a part of balancing a game you just say hurhruhruhrurhruh but they are so importants cuz i dieds to haxorsersersrs once... and you are telling me that im ignoring your arguments?? you have zero arguments you are just saying well haxors are so importants cuz they ares lolz. WTF dude you are either a master troll or a fucking idiot no other option...

  7. Can you seriously not wrap your tiny mind around the fact that your exception is more common than the rule? You've put a qualification on the statements in the OP that makes them inapplicable in the majority of circumstances. Therefor, the entire premise of this thread is in question. Much like the rule: “‘i’ before ‘e’ except after ‘c’.”, this rule is also invalid.

    Then there's the fact that the OP doesn't mention any exceptions. It contains unqualified statements such as “There's no such thing as abuse.”

    Somehow you're surprised that people disagree because of hacking. I suppose that's to be expected, given the trollish nature of your posts.

    If hackers were rare, then maybe they could be excepted. As it stands, they're SO common that you can't make statements like the ones in the OP without bringing hacking into the discussion. You need to get used to it unless you want to continue being angry for the duration of the thread.

    Once again: the person you quoted is not “pretty retarded”. He's absolutely correct in pointing out the giant gaping hole in the premise of this thread.

    I repeated my argument about hackers and this thread 5 times and you seen to be immune to logic ;( I seriously dont know what to tell you accept read throught the thread again and use the brain ;(

    So from this logic, if I'm fully gear'd at the starting area killing people, that's there fault? Alright...

    If play another game an FPS and I'm spawn camping them, that's there fault for spawning? Sounds good, great game.

    yet another penis monkey that cant read the thread before posting a dumbass comment ;(

  8. No. He's not.

    The OP clearly stated that there was no such thing as abuse, and every death was fair. Since hackers cause the majority of deaths in this game (the VAST majority in my experience), AND since we all seem to agree that hacking is “abuse”, how are either of those statements valid?

    The whole premise of this thread is wrong. There ARE abuses. There ARE unfair deaths. There is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ in the context of this game. It's not just hacking either. There are many exploits to this game.

    It might be valid to say “Have patience, since this is an alpha of a free mod”, but it's a bit foolish to claim that these problems don't exist.

    Can you seriously not wrap your tiny mind around the fact that in this discussion hackers are completely out of the equation?? Yes of course they are an issue and a big one and NO ONE FUCKING said otherwise however when talking about the fairness in the actual game you can ignore them. Like holy shit use your fucking brain you think when people are balancing a game they are gonna say "well hurp drup gosh darns it wes has not balanced game cuz haxors can exist and its breaks it :o", NO! they will treat the two SEPARATE they will balance the game for those playing without hacks and than SEPARATELY adress the issue of hackers by trying to simply reduce the amount of them at no point in time will they say: "hmm but wow :o what if we have a hacker in this situation". I shall repeat the point for the fourth time for you numbskulls Hackers are a whole different issue here. Also use brain before post please...

  9. No such thing as abuse? Damn, hackers and dupers have it easy, with as many as there are, i'm sure Battleye agrees with you.

    Holy shit you are pretty retarded. Abuse in game has NOTHING to due with hacking, the amount of idiots that have mentioned hacking in this thread is overwhelming. Hackers modify the game entirely, they create their own version of the game where they can interact with people playing the actual game. Dude you are unbelievably stupid thinking that when the OP was talking about things in the game he was thinking about hackers, they are a whole separate issue and quite a simple one too they simply should all be eradicated or forced to eat each other. Its pretty motherfucking obvious that when someone is talking about fairness in the game he means people playing the actual game not the hackers who as I mention before should fucking die.

    • Like 1

  10. I find that hard to believe, on a populated server there are literally bodies littering the beach and road. I don't remember the last time I've been to balota and not heard flies to find multiple unarmed corpses with flashlights and coyotes. The first thing I do when entering elektro is go up the hill overlooking the powerstation, half the time there is a sniper taking pot shots into the city from there with absolutely no intention of ever going down there to loot what is mostly axes, makarovs and crappy coyote bags.

    Most if not all those flies and bodies are from people respawning, now that there is no more respawn you will not see such things. As to the second part of what you said I shall not even respond to that because its too silly.

    Sniping fresh spawns on the coast using a high-powered military grade rifle, while the other person can only turn his flashlight on and off. Yeah, sounds fair bro.

    You are literally dumb as fuck.

    Ok, ill point out all the retarded things about what you said. First of all sniping at the coast probably almost never happens. Imagine trying to do it lol. so u have to pick one of the many spawn locations and than you sit there and once every 2 hours someone spawns at your location the kill is meaningless since you get nothing out of it.Now imagine being the victim, so you spawn get sniped and erm... where the fuck is the big deal???? If it happened to me id literally not give the smallest fuck since you can either just spawn in a different location or change servers.

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  11. I do agree it's fair in that we all spawn on the beach with nothing. I detest the self righteous way some bandits try justify their behavior, I'd have moderately more respect for them if they manned up and just said they get kicks out of screwing people over on the coast. I can't say that is the wrong way to play the game, it is a sandbox after all. It is frustrating though, the game offers so much in terms of divergent gameplay, yet most encounters are reduced to two possible outcomes because of what i assume are mostly maladjusted pre-pubescants sucking everyone down to the lowest common denominator for the instant gratification of what is essentially in the game a meaningless kill.

    People like you always talk about killing people on the coast I dont get it ive spawned loads of times never got killed on the coast never heard of anyone getting killed on the coast. Is that really such an issue? Getting off the coast and arming yourself is easy and quick to do and from that point onwards its a fair fight anyone even a hatchet guy can be dangerous in a city.

  12. you made an account just to say that?

    Yes and I think anyone else in my position should have done the same for the sake of humanity.

    Dumbest thread ever.

    Me and my friend sitting on top of the highest building in Cherno today. Killed a guy up there; he took his 50. Cal sniper. I had my M4A1. We;re doing well at this point just need to grab some food.

    Friend kills a guy with the sniper in a ghillie suit not too far from our position. I go to investigate. Climbing down the ladder i hear a silenced pistol taking out zombies below me. Get off on a platform and wait. Tell my freind (still on the highest building in Cherno completely hidden from anyone else). A loud crack (Winchester possibly?) and i'm dead. My freind hears footsteps; nobodies spawned up top but he can hear crouch walking... From below... Like they're popping their head round the corner; or getting into position. Next thing you know a silenced pistol goes off; straight headshot. My friend also now dead.

    You think it's fair that some hacker managed to position or spawn himself in the building we we're on top of? Then proceed to kill us through the walls?

    Or do i have to tell you the story where i was teleported against my own will to a place with 15 or-so other players and blown up before i could even take out my AK-47 upon loading into the server?

    Dumbest post ever.
