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About Yarian

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  1. Honestly No it has some Useful effects but people use it for the wrong Reasons so no keep it in :)
  2. Yarian

    Fps problems

    Before Patch 96015 i was running on very high easy 30 frames and after the patch im stuck on very low its running at not even 30 frames now someone help :)?
  3. Yarian

    Anybody Out There!

    Hey I'd Like to Join you Guys Im geard Add me on Skype :ZylathanMan
  4. Please Be legit Ive been Scammed Twice Today And if you have any experience in trades please tell me I look forward to hearing from you and the SVD camo should have a couple mags Skype:ZylathanMan
  5. Yarian

    The [NA] Recruiting

    IGN:Yarian Age:16 Location:Florida,USA
  6. Whatsup Guys Im looking for a group of friends or a competitve team just to run around and own DayZ i can carry my own Message Me on Skype Or Through here Skype:ZylathanMan
  7. Well I respawned With My Shit so Not Really :P But Your a doushbag dont trust him and Logout And see what happens to the Items :D
  8. No i didnt Stop trying to be sneaky you killed me for the goggles you didnt get the body it was friendly fire haha Good Job Mate another Scumbag Like you in the Community is exactly what we need No one trade with this player.
  9. Do not Trade with this player i was Killed For My nightvision goggles And he is a scammer do not trust.
  10. do not Trade with This Player He just Killed Me For My NIGHT VISION GOGGLES DO NOT TRUST HIM. we were going to trade SVD CAMO for Night Vision Goggles and he killed me even on skype do not trust. Kison Your being added to the negative trade list.
  11. Yarian

    Trading for an M4A1 CCO SD

    Dont trust kisoniukas i was trading him night vision goggles for a SVD camo But apperantly He killed me while i was logging in and Just dont trust him hes a scammer And I will be posting to trade list that he is. DONT TRADE WITH KISON HE WILL SCAM.,