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Everything posted by HeHeHe

  1. HeHeHe


    welcum to bandit forum, enjoy your headshot.
  2. I expect to be ranked pretty high on here. Worst thing ive done. Broke a fresh spawns legs by shooting him repeatedly, banadaged him up but he was still crawling. Me and a friend were just messing with him, shooting around him etc.But we had this grenade, and said "hey lets just use this on him as he crawls" The guy was obviously new, didnt know how to chat or fight back. But he understood us, we told him if he could crawl away before we could land the grenade, he could live. Lets just say he *sunglasses* made it in pieces. EDIT: i also kill fresh spawns pretty often. This was a rare case out of the bunch.
  3. Pretty sure they know, besides its in alpha. Expecting a few people as a "company" to solve every problem in alpha is outright stupidity. Hacking is a major problem, will it be fixed in a week? No, a month? no, a year? Perhaps. But for now, just wait it out. 15 years of gaming and you seem to forget these things so easily. Now if this was a fully released game with a billion dollar company, sure, i'd be asking for some responses.
  4. HeHeHe

    Dear Bill Murray of US 1145.

    Dayz player = gun expert. CoD player = gun expert. uehuehue But gj on instincts op
  5. HeHeHe

    Delete this please.

    Lol, would be a good time for that "this ainyt fayir!" monopoly kid meme. But yeah, some admins can also be hackers, and be total dicks about it. Honestly, i would've gotten my loot and gtfo'ed, as hes an "adhacker" and not just a hacker.
  6. I usally get banages and painkillers from killing fresh spawns. Sometimes they got food, but eh. Sickest gear i got from a kill was easily the gps,as50, alice pack, stocked with food and water. along with all sorts of tools. He must've been the storehouse for his clan.
  7. HeHeHe

    Never trust Frenchys

    What if it was just someone acting french. Seems legit, op.
  8. HeHeHe

    Dear sniper on Pik Kozlava on US 282

    Thats my spot. Oh well, i still got a few more. Don't go on any bridges with me in the server.
  9. HeHeHe

    Bandit or Survivor [POLL]

    Bandit for sure, although when i first started i was a survivor, wouldn't even fire back if i was shot at.
  10. HeHeHe

    Camp awaiting plundering

    Never thought of using the island as a camp site. you must be sherlock holmes
  11. HeHeHe

    You fail to understand hacking

    I honestly dont care if someone hacks to get a ghillie suit nvgs or whatever, doesnt affect me all that much. Thunderdome however, fucking does.
  12. HeHeHe

    FPS problem

    dump dat dial up - compton
  13. This is why i almost immediately leave after finding good loot. The 30 seconds after you find something you wanted will be death, one way or another.
  14. i use the map for this type of thing. ever see "survivor hq" or "crashed uh-1" directly on nw airfield? that was me.
  15. HeHeHe

    [TRB] Clan Alt+F4 losers

    Well, ill be looking to join that clan. survival of the fittest- in a video game
  16. HeHeHe

    The Scariest Thing in the Game

    Lol'd at "prepared to fight back" at that point i woulda alt + F - oh shit care bears all round nvm.
  17. Is this a real book? Waiting to use this giftcard.
  18. HeHeHe

    Sparky's adventures

    Very good tales, except the blood transfusion one, you do not help these inferior beasts.
  19. I wouldnt be concerned about "it was nicer back den" and "now people kill eachother more often" I'd be more concerned with hackers and how they drive new players away.
  20. HeHeHe

    Dayz is a waste of time

    See you in a week.
  21. Time and place for furries. I dont find this to be one of them.
  22. HeHeHe


    Eh you don't sound like you have much loot. Maybe a rifle or something. Better to end it now and start anew honestly/
  23. HeHeHe

    Trading for Vehicle

    ill give you a bandage
  24. HeHeHe

    Looking for people to play with

    Yeah the coods to my trap- i mean - camp fuck it, stay away from me and my group.
  25. HeHeHe

    [Insert Badass One Liner Here]

    Leave anything fun to your friends, forums are filled with morale care bears who shove everything down your throat IE: shitty forum community. But i lol'd to say the least. EDIT: didnt read last paragraph, bursted out laughing at the "clearly a scrub" line. well whole paragraph...bookmark dis shit