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Everything posted by HeHeHe

  1. HeHeHe

    Nearly shat myself.

    This is my way of thinking,(disconnected quickly after seeing my char teleported last night in fact) I only "alt f4" if i come across a hacker directly, or if a zombie is walking through a wall, something like that.
  2. HeHeHe

    THAT Mountain. Sorry to US 1218.

    Im actually logged in there now, just a few zeds and tight spaces really.
  3. All depends, will you register?
  4. Is there a donate button for just the new security for the stand alone? Got my moneys worth + alot more, would like to support the standalone. But for now, we gotta ride the shockwave.
  5. HeHeHe

    That Color Mountain...

    Went there, shot a few zeds, searched the radio tower, found nothing. Waste of time.
  6. HeHeHe

    Traded a bad gun...

    Yeah, i'd hope to make a trade on the forum with a trusted source. I think you could get a solid AK with a few mags for it.
  7. HeHeHe

    To the admins on US 1042

    Well they do have the right to slay you, (unless it was hacks, like teleport and such) But if they just kill you back legit, i fail to see a problem.
  8. So i was teleported to the "thunderdome" or i think i was. Somehow, i went full on beast mode and leaped to my power bar (which is about 5 feet away from the desk) and slammed the switch like a dunkmaster. I log back in, cursing, thinking i lost 4 days worth of fun, to find my character fine, with all his loot at his location. Dayz, you scare me sometimes. I feel bad to all those who couldn't make it in time. I was fully ready to accept the fact, tell myself that shit happens, and start again. I hope you can all do that too.
  9. ty ty Yeah, once had a custom pc built and a power outage really messed it all up. It was really a last ditch effort i did
  10. reminds me of one time when my friend ran along a building (was being shot at) and just went flying through a window at a solid 100 mph. Lol'd pretty hard, was the farthest he'd gotten at that point.
  11. HeHeHe

    My first 2 murders

    The name - it was destiny
  12. HeHeHe

    To the CQF clan

    dear diary,
  13. HeHeHe

    A short story and realization

    I pretty much realized that everyone except for "professional" clans and rl friends are going to be hostile. Hostile as soon as they see you, or when you got your back turned. Just the nature of the beast.
  14. HeHeHe

    Elektro Fun

    Whats your server? Pm me, i got an ak and want to help.
  15. bandit = bad fresh spawn = good nah but seriously, instead of just outright insulting every bandit you put a little "difficulty" idea behind it. But i see it more as "alright, i spawned, got my gear, what do i want to do?" From there it can be getting a specific loot (ghillie suit for one) Or just going around sniping people. This is one of the better aspects of the mod.
  16. HeHeHe


    Whnever i go to nw, one of two things happens. 1. Its in "holy shit" mode, tons of loot, tons of bandits, tons of fun. Uber firefights and the works. 2. Its having a stroke, no loot, no bandits, just empty buildings and zombies.
  17. HeHeHe

    What is the point

    This thread is new and exciting.
  18. HeHeHe

    Stop calling yourself a bandit

    Kid got his first thesaurus, watch out everybody. Extreme pretentiousness incoming.
  19. HeHeHe

    this mod is in beta...

    Dicitonary definitions aren't always to be used. Continue acting superior i suppose...
  20. HeHeHe

    Fort Friendly 2.0 - Social Experiment

    Can't wait to hunt you guys - Time for this town to get the bandit it deserves.
  21. The only time i respond to "medical requests" is to go shoot the guy and whoever is helping him.
  22. HeHeHe

    NWAF Helicopter Murders

    ew carebear, get outta here. Yeah, into the traffic, okay. Lol op gave me a good laugh and a good tip! Use the corpses of fools to attract more! ueheueheuheuhe
  23. HeHeHe

    The way to find your gear

    Lolwut I mean you can do that, but as a new spawn, your better off raiding a city. Most you'll lose is a respawn. However if you go for the city, make sure you have a hunting knife/matches/axe and a water bottle. Survive forever.
  24. HeHeHe

    US 1074 Hacker Base

    Idk, any camp that is known to have hackers just scares me, you generally only get away with their loot if you a #AM morning run i guess.
  25. HeHeHe

    To all spawn killers out there!

    i shoot fresh spawns for sport of course. Lol, i like how the whole first paragraph is just "this is a well thought out, cogent argument for as to why you should not do this, it contains no opinions and is all fact". Then not even a sentence later, "OMG U ALL FGGTS FOR KINLN NEW SPAWNS, JT GTFO OF GAEM PL0X" Theres always going to be morale care bears telling me i shouldn't hunt animals with bandages. Doesn't stop my kill count though.