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Everything posted by HeHeHe

  1. Revolver/AK =/= fresh spawn? Also op, tell him jokes on him, because m249 is horrible for a lone wolf.
  2. HeHeHe

    My first kill...

    Just looted 2 ghilles up at stary, definitely a good place to loot. And gratz on the first kill!
  3. HeHeHe

    looking for a teamate or two

    Better off getting a RL friend.
  4. HeHeHe

    Need help on where to put a camp.

    Forest, probably better off heading north past devils castle.
  5. HeHeHe

    The SVD

    SVD camo is good if you got a ghille. Better aim for headshots..
  6. I never shoot unarmed survivors Without breaking their legs first.
  7. HeHeHe

    Why battleye?

    I kinda hate this mentality of "BATLEi IS RIGHT SO FUCK YOU" No ban system is right 100% of the time. Much less one that does a major hacker scare like this.
  8. Calling a bandit honorable is like calling water dry. Doesn't really...work But to op, if you wanna see people get shot at, then this is something you do WITH your friends. I'm all for pranking friends, but even i have standards.
  9. Curretnly have a m4a3 cco on me, found an m4a1 cco while looting. Wondering what the major differences are.
  10. HeHeHe

    Kill all bronies.

    Go play my little pon- oh wait.
  11. I think its more douchebaggy to waste everyones time with "hey to the guy ho shot z zombie in cherno! ..."
  12. HeHeHe

    Green Mountain?

    Kinda boring, whenever i go there i just see a few zeds and some ok loot.
  13. Well, i hate to say this but, hackers can do whatever they want in game right now. (spare if an admin is online)
  14. HeHeHe

    Zombies can you're freinds.

    Lol'd, i've actually seen players in areas like elektro and cherno fire a lee enfield. 1 word; Dinner bell.
  15. NVGS are rare enough to not be a problem imo Changing your brightness however..
  16. HeHeHe

    Dayz for teh pros

    Pretty much my strategy, except the ghille suit/disconnect part.
  17. Says that most want to live and keep their gear then to be a "man" and die? I mean, i don't support disconnects during combat, but to expect a huge mass of people to bite the bullet... ...kinda pushing it.
  18. HeHeHe

    Looking for a clan

    I'd suggest just getting a RL friend to cover you, Easier, safer.
  19. HeHeHe


    Basically a 5 digit code i think. If a server has "49845" then its so old, that i dont think you can join it. Another way is to just type or something, just as an example.
  20. HeHeHe

    The tent problem...

    Idk if it should be "first priority" but hey, could be a big + for a fix to a minor bug.
  21. HeHeHe

    Kill all bronies.

    What about all CoD players? I find them evil because they attack eachother for no reason! Better have the FBI conduct a search on every last on of them. And rock music! It talks about how great the flag is, well wait- Rock music from the 80s! It talks about drugs and partying! How dare they!
  22. HeHeHe

    PvP Tonight.

    sees the word "LoL"(the game) on the dayz forum. Is appalled at what i see, dislikes, leaves.
  23. HeHeHe

    Kill all bronies.

    Honestly, i think its more of a "Lets crash this survivor meet" then crusading to stop all bronies. And i for one, crashed that old fort friendly experiment. And "hate" isn't really a good term either. its More or less, "this is a video game and this is how i play" Call it anti-social and what not, but were in a bandit forum. I wanna just pull out this quote 3) "I just want to kill them." For what reason? Again sociopathic behavior is NOT good... So i just want to address that video games do not make people violent. Instead, we make violent video games. You get the picture? This is why we had gladiator games in rome, we like violence! Its in our nature. Even now, its still in our media and its just human nature for better or worse. EDIT: also op, im down with the group thing. As of now though i have no mic.
  24. HeHeHe


    This. Your better off looking for camps in high pop servers, but i did nearly the exact same thing you did and i encountered just swarms of script kiddies. So older servers are your best bet.