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Everything posted by HeHeHe

  1. If you need someone to kill them when they spawn fresh on the coast, i'm your guy.
  2. Actually had a hacker teleport me and demand all of my tools and backpack, he still let me live though for some reason.... Lost a ton of tools, luckily i got them all back, but this can help alot of people +1
  3. Yeah because disconnecting is one of the bravest choices. Whenever i blend in with a ghillie, im going to simply say "euheueuheuehehehueh"
  4. HeHeHe

    found a ural, but have questions

    Most important tip i can give for the ural: Remove the brake. Just shoot it off. fun increased by tenfold.
  5. HeHeHe

    Noob Questions: Tents!

    It was me, i took the loot and put my own tent on top! But it could also just be server restarts mucking with the tents too.
  6. That was something called a hack. A server restart might have a message appear, but all it does is make the server have a stroke.
  7. Im 12, vegen, and wat is this
  8. HeHeHe

    Waste of $30 and some time

    You just started the game at an awful period. EDIT: Saw "bf3" Was appalled at what i saw, disliked, left.
  9. HeHeHe

    Weird hack/bug

    Yeah sounds like a hack Except, seems they put a little emo twist on it, but whatever.
  10. HeHeHe

    Trading Compass

    You'd be lucky to get an ak 74 with a mag.
  11. HeHeHe

    Trading for a SVD camo

    lol 5 dmrs makes me kinda..eh
  12. HeHeHe

    Zombie run animation fixed?

    Can't forgot the run around in a circle 50 times wind up before they zig zag to you.
  13. I kill fresh spawns. Mess with them first, if possible.
  14. HeHeHe

    Thus ends my DayZ Day.

    Leave the game open knowing something was fishy? Better post about it. TL:DR you deserved it.
  15. HeHeHe

    Hackers are cowards

    Soon as i saw heli crash i would've been in "imagtfo" mode.
  16. HeHeHe

    Trading for M4A1 Holo M203

    Just a fair warning: M203 iron sight is atrocious.
  17. HeHeHe


    One time i shot a zombie with a pistol.
  18. HeHeHe

    Im done, hackers win...

    Just wait it out, like literally another week and they'll be rare. BE just banned 11,000 and that number is climbing. "NAH GUISE, FUK DIS IM GOIN TO LoL" Fine, see you in a week.
  19. HeHeHe

    Butthurt admin banned me.

    Give up on that server and report it to the black list.
  20. Gotta spank them noobs till they l2p. Usually its a mass clan, so disorganized but they have tons of members and tons of loot.
  21. HeHeHe

    If we killed you... Sorry?

    I shoot fresh spawns for the hell of it. You shot him because you didn't think you would look cool if he came back? Lol'd