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Everything posted by PsychoFFS

  1. PsychoFFS

    A Threat To Banditry Itself, And A Solution.

    Too many people ITT trying to be speech hero's haha. Just post their info whenever they post it, and it'll be the beginning of the end for them.
  2. I'm interested in joining a group. I'm 21, and live in the EST zone. I usually work 3-4 days a week (today included) though, but I'd still be down to try and give it a shot with my activity.
  3. PsychoFFS

    King of DayZ

    So much possibility, but some pretty horrible parts
  4. PsychoFFS

    Looking for friends? ||AOD|| IS RECRUITING

    Hey man I've been looking for a group of people to join. Name: Psycho_ffs Age: 21 Location: Georgia, U.S. Playtime: ~2-3 months Looking for: Group with a few people who are interested in the PvPside of the game, as opposed to just surviving with PvE. I can with game seriously or fun, whichever is needed at the time. I'm just looking for a solid group of people to play with, because playing solo is getting old, and playing almost any game with someone else is better. About myself: I'm decently geared and prepared medically. I'm not scared of losing my items, however that doesn't mean I act stupid with them. I have a working headset, and I'm not scared to talk and be social with people. Once I get to playing with a group of people I really don't care what goes down, as long as I've got people who will at least attempt to have my back.
  5. Age: 21 Steam name: Psycho_ffs How long have you played: 2 months Timezone: EST Equipment you currently have: Ghillie, Fn fal, Akm, M1911, Alice pack, few other med supplies/survival supplies Looking for a "bandit" group to have some fun with, as without PvP this would get boring quick, and it's a whole lot more fun with other people, as most games are. I'm not particularly scared to lose my gear, however that doesn't make me stupid with it. I'm not worried about venturing into hotzones with the clan, as that's what makes the game fun. I have a working headset, and I'm not afraid to be social. If anything else is needed just ask/PM
  6. So how does one go about posting something along the lines of an introduction? On here?
  7. PsychoFFS

    finding sniper ammo

    Solid logic.
  8. I was curious as to if anyone could provide a few names and/or urls for me to check out? Just looking for a place to visit/do business. Thanks. Once added I'll edit my post and try to keep it updated for everyone.
  9. PsychoFFS

    Anyone spare gear?

  10. PsychoFFS

    Chernarus Militia- City build

    what supplies.
  11. PsychoFFS

    Chernarus Militia- City build

    May visit in a day or two if it's still up.
  12. PsychoFFS

    Current Public Camps/Trading Zones

    That's why I was hoping to do it within camps etc. 2 I've known of are Fort Friendly, and Green Mountain something (?), but I don't know if either still exists, so I was hoping maybe some other peopel may know of some.
  13. Hate to be a dick, but, get use to it. At least you don't really have much.
  14. Don't feel bad your not the only one. I do enjoy it, once I have the luck to find the bare necessities to survive, never mind fighting off the occasional random zombie attack. Before someone lectures me with "herp, the game is suppose to be hard", I understand that, but it becomes a little too much when you loot every house in a town only not to find a single water/food product, never mind a hatchet/etc... Inb4 use a map, and I won't even get started on how many empty deer stands I've visited. All of that said, I'd refund the game were it possible, but it isn't, so I'll continue trying to enjoy my semi-wasted $18.
  15. My info: North American - EST - 21 y/o - I have a working mic/will use it The time I play is pretty varied, depending on work/social/school. I'm fairly new, been playing for ~1.5 weeks. Finally got a handle on most of the mechanics/play style of the game. I'm looking for a clan because playing solo gets boring pretty quick.I have 2-3 friends who rarely play now, but they make it so much more fun when they are on, so I figured I'd start searching. I'm not a bandit by any means, but I have killed my fair share of people just on the basis of not being able to really trust anyone random. So yea, just looking for a clan who's down to do most things. Ex; loot runs(High or low risk), rescue missions, and I wouldn't deny some PvP action just to keep things interesting. Thanks for reading.