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About danny-majorfooty@hotmail.com

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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    I like Gaming and as you can tell I love Dayz :D
  1. danny-majorfooty@hotmail.com

    Chernarus Police Department - Let us handle the Bandits!

    Lets face it, you are clearly not on the TMW whitelist at the moment so the best possible way for us to gain your trust would be to either give evidence from a CPD mission or to get some sort of identification information which has personally been given from the leader of TMW.
  2. danny-majorfooty@hotmail.com

    Chernarus Police Department - Let us handle the Bandits!

    Thank you for your detailed request! We have analysed the information that you have provided in your post and we are personally happy to perform an escort, if you do decide you want us the founder and the co.founder of CPD then please PM either me, Virus or Delithralas on steam for further information!
  3. danny-majorfooty@hotmail.com

    Chernarus Police Department - Let us handle the Bandits!

    If that was your request you need a lot more detail than that so we have a fully developed idea for what has occurred in your presence. Please give us the The server name, The time of your encounter with the individual who stole your van. you could also include what this specific person was equipped with. it's really important you tell us the location you last saw the van and the player so we can investigate further into this case. At the last part, if you have a broken bone because you got shot in the leg, I would recommend informing the TWS (Medical Team) if you need morphine and other supplies. I will discuss this with Delithralas and check if we are authorised to inform the medical team for you. We will work on your case asap!
  4. danny-majorfooty@hotmail.com

    Chernarus Police Department - Let us handle the Bandits!

    Make sure in your request for our assistance you include: The server name, The time of your encounter with the bandit and when you died. you could also include what this specific bandit was equipped with e.g. Does he have a ghillie suit, what weapons and it would be a great help to our department if you could inform us their in-game names. Cheers. :)
  5. danny-majorfooty@hotmail.com

    Chernarus Police Department - Let us handle the Bandits!

    We are not generally looking specifically for people to be apart of CPD, we are just founders of an organisation of which is a society for the public who wish to participate if they feel they have what it takes and the will power of helping innocent survivors in the game! Like Delithralas has already stated that if you wish to be apart of CPD you must prove that you are capable to help a citizen which will grant you authorisation and access to the (CPD Whitelist)
  6. danny-majorfooty@hotmail.com

    Chernarus Police Department - Let us handle the Bandits!

    No, we actually just recently created the CPD a couple of days ago :D
  7. danny-majorfooty@hotmail.com

    Chernarus Police Department - Let us handle the Bandits!

    Me and the Founder of CPD have just recently announced to include new features​ and also some other really cool stuff once we have reached 20+ White listed officers! We will happily reveal what we have planned in the future! We shall update you whenever we have any changes or new ideas for the department. Current Member Status: 5 ^^^^^ Hurry we need you! ​I'm looking forward to seeing new recruits soon...
  8. danny-majorfooty@hotmail.com

    Chernarus Police Department - Let us handle the Bandits!

    Hello I am the Co.Founder of (CPD) just thought I would let you know that we are working very hard to ensure that we have a fully operational website and forum which will hopefully become a lot more active in the future. Our Website will be available soon for the members of the public who are either interested to join our amazing department or to find out more about us. We will make sure that your requests will be analysed also through the website if you need our assistance. Website Status: Incomplete... Thank you for your time and I hope to be seeing you soon if you need us! :)
  9. danny-majorfooty@hotmail.com

    [AURA] Clan Recruiting New DayZ Members

    In Game Name: Virus Location: England, UK Steam name (If Available): Lieutenant Brick P.S Display Picture is Max Payne 3 Experience: 1 Month Age: 17 When Available: I'm on pretty much every day.