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About Butterrz

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    On the Coast
  1. Hello, my first post on this forum. I have been reading the forums for weeks, but never took the time to write anything. Anyways i had an idea to promote a sort of cooperative gameplay, and less lone-wolf bandit behavior. Add in some sort of sanity level. If you don't interact with a player in a certain amount of time, your sanity level goes down. This could lead to you randomly screaming and talking to yourself which attracts zombies when you want to be sneaky, or hear zombies moaning when there isn't any, or hear whispers to freak you out even more. Of course this isn't gamebreaking and you can stay insane if you want, just a little nudge towards the light. And by interacting with people, perhaps you enable like a high-five feature or something, or even staying in extremely close range of someone for a period of time to increase your level of sanity. Just a thought, cheers