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Everything posted by Cpt.Carramack

  1. Hey, my names nathan, 18 from Northern England and though i love playing with Other northern european players and such but there is usually a language barrier which is relatively inconvenient when in gunfights. Also playing with people from the US is also usually fun but the time difference makes that awkward. Thus I was hoping to gather some british players to play in a team or clan, I was looking for friendly players that generally don't shoot on sight but aren't afraid of a gunfight either, long term goals to set up a camp etc, maybe help other players with medical needs and such Anyway if you're interested my contact details are below: Skype: 'nathan.trays-.-' Steam: Nathannn TS3 Available:D Thankyou.
  2. This was more of a question than rant, so does humanity reset every time i log out and at any point log back in, for example i recently had to re-log near Stary due to a tonne of artifacting (which isn't fixed so don't put in the changle log that it is) and i have around 1000 humanity, working towards the hero skin, but the debug monitor was totally reset, i can't remember if it used to reset or not i never really payed too much attention to it? Is this an unfortunate bug or will it happen every time until a patch? cheers
  3. Cpt.Carramack

    finally done with this game (at least for some weaks)

    That is just a week excuse.
  4. I wouldn't have said it was a silly question, especially considering people are giving different answers...
  5. Ah ok, thats good and i was hoping that would be the case, thanks for the answer
  6. I have been playing DayZ a fair while now and getting relatively sick of a few things, excluding hackers and bugs, the zombie movement/ pathfinding for one, the seemingling generic law of KoS etc, i was about ready to take a long break from the game until standalone or noticable fixes were put in place, howver this might be it? Firstly the slowed animation speed is it? of the zombies thus seeming to improve their pathfinding or at least stopping them zigzagging so much so they are actually hittable at range is a great improvement. Also i love the new reinstatement of humanity, so far that is all i've really seen as i've only played the latest patch for a little while but just wanted to say thanks for this rocket/ dev team, much appreciated.
  7. Yeh i heard character information got messup up or something, and that means your humanity is low from killing survivors
  8. It's not like they're there constantly, like zombies, and the artifacting is still there in the new patch, this is what i would like to see patched next if possible
  9. How are you lucky? Artifacting is still there, not as bad but i would take zombie pathfinding improvements+ humantity over a relatively minor graphical error.
  10. Hey, ben playing dayZ for months solo, just looking for a preferably english speaking team of somewhat mature people:) Or anyone also looking for a team would be cool to talk to/ team up with, I have skype and TS3. Skype: 'nathan.trays-.-'
  11. Yeh, this has been the best patch to date, or at least in a very long while, the game has definately recieved a new lease of life i would say
  12. I'm not sure if they addressed that directly but i think they just slowed the animation or movement speed or something which from what i can see has improved the zigzagging greatly:D
  13. Just looking for a few guys that like to play relatively tactically prioritising survival, looking for mature players (17+?) but also with a sense of humour:) Thinking about a simple team setup of a leader?, Soldier kind of player, scout/sniper and medic(me) If anyone in the EU, or USA, im not picky has TS3, Skype and a mic and thinks that they would like to join hit me up on skype, cheers. Skype: 'nathan.trays-.-'
  14. Cpt.Carramack

    Looking for small, mature, tactical team (EU)

    Experience isn't an issue but a few weeks would be ideal or at least players who are efficient in a firefight.
  15. I would like to be a medic for you guys if that position is still open, i'm british if that makes any difference to you?, Have skype, TS3, and am a relatively experienced player that likes to play tactically, i've also been looking for a relatively serious/tactical team for a little while now. Skype- 'nathan.trays-.-' cheers
  16. Hey, I'm a relatively experienced player (3 months-ish) I almost only play solo however have recently being trying to team up with a more long term team, mostly for the end game purpose of setting up a decent camp/ base, however after seeing multiple thread about larger colonies trying to arise, i thought it would be an awesome endgame idea. Yes the game is currently madly unstable but there are still many playable servers out there, im not fussy, if you know of any good/ stable servers make them known and we can give it a go there:) I was looking for primarily EU players for now, decent english would also be prefered, if you are interested please let me know in a personal message on here, in the comments section or add my skype, we can then talk about TS. If you are already part of a group, and welcome help, let me know also, hopefully this thread can help the group grow? Skype: 'nathan.trays-.-' -Thanks
  17. Cpt.Carramack

    Fighting the Fourth Dimension

    Be a man, ditch the loot, or find a toolbox and come prepared in future...?
  18. Cpt.Carramack

    Fighting the Fourth Dimension

    I personally didn't think of this, but i do think it would be an ideal fix for this, the idea can also be tested and tweaked from forests, to certain areas of the map/ certain buildings or something like that? Good thinking i say
  19. Hey, I've been playing DayZ for around 2 months now, never officially teamed up with anyone and i heard it's a fun experience. I'm no bandit, i try to help others when i can (unless threatened). I was hoping to find some tactical/ survival style players to help hold down an area of a server, make a camp etc. I'm british but will happily team up with players from any European nation, english speaking would be prefered however;) My skype is: 'nathan.trays-.-' Steam: Nathannn Add either one if you are interested in joining me?
  20. Hey man, i didn't get an invitation, i can try adding you or do you have skype for calls?
  21. First i'll quickly say i'm no game developer or coder of any kind, just a humble animator/level designer, i also completely understand the purpose of the alpha process. I have seen people complain about various bugs and such and are usually hit with a barrage of reminders that DayZ is in Alpha stage, which would usually be a completely justifyable response, however for the past 6 or so weeks the same bugs have been reported, such as ai pathfinding/navigation, zeds walking and attacking through walls etc etc etc... Surely these things would be at the top of Rockets list of fixes for patches, but nothing particularly game changing or any dramatic improvements have been made? I was just curious to whether these things can actually be changed, (maybe coders/ game devs can enlighten me here) but surely as DayZ is a mod the mechanics can't be changed too much meaning that some of the major bugs will never be rectified? Which then poses the question if it will go standalone like Rocket i believes intends? Shift to Arma 3 upon release or we just all move to The WarZ or something? As I say im no coder or anything, this was more of a long winded question than a rant. Thankyou.
  22. I thought players would be more merciful toward female characters, apparently not.
  23. I know they've noticed the massive sale spike and you would both presume and hope that there would be some form of collaboration for arma3, i'm not sold on a standalone, yes, the game could potentially be the best game ever but im sure a standalone version of this game would take a long time to make, even with bohemia's backing? Either way TheWarZ is looking like solid competition at the moment, and they claim to have started creating that game before the DayZ mod, so who knows? There could be a standalone 'DayZ' sooner than we think?
  24. Oh i'm not at all questioning your work ethic, and i wasn't at all infering things won't get fixed, my main question was, will the things that clearly need to be fixed, be able to be fixed due to possible holdbacks from Arma 2 mechanics or anything like that or is standalone title in the wind?