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About Shadowfox931

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Shadowfox931

    1.7.6 Cans and Drinks

    In my opinion most of these cans just don't seem to fit well at all. The text on them is a bit funny but does it really belong in DayZ on something everyone will see, they don't even look like they're Russian products. Maybe on something like the tank statue in Cherno there could be a plaque that reads "Honored Survivors" with the first names(not forum name because they look silly) of the people that have worked on this mod but then there's the problem that there have been many others involved and made the community as a whole. You also can't forget the countless people who have put their money directly towards DayZ in the form of keeping those early servers running.
  2. Shadowfox931

    US 362 Admin and AGW Clan Abuse

    I'm clearing up the air of what really happened there. I'm not part of the clan I just jumped on TS to find out what was going on with the server since this was the 3rd time or so a server I was recently on ended up locked. It's not my server and I feel I've said enough since it isn't my server or clan, I came here to point out how OP's original assumptions were wrong. Anything else can come from the admins themselves since they -do- want to reopen the server. Good day.
  3. Shadowfox931

    US 362 Admin and AGW Clan Abuse

    If you had really tried to get in contact with the admins you'd know some hackers have taken a liking to that server and messed it up. The server wasn't locked to reclaim vehicles and consider yourself lucky the server was locked otherwise you would have been caught in a major lagspike that flat out kills you. Oh, and I saw you guys raiding the vehicles the other day but didn't engage you. Good day.