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Everything posted by Lechuza

  1. Lechuza

    Holster pistol

    There is a holster animation, or at least it is part of another animaton. Stand completely, and hit the "sit" key when you have your side arm selected, you will see him holster it before sitting down.
  2. Lechuza

    Anybody else love the temperature?

    right now wood you can find generally in barns, until they add a hatchet that is. matches it is a safe bet you will find them in a supermarket somewhere. Yes, it needs some refinement indeed, but it is a nice idea, it forces you to light a fire once in a while and be exposed while doing so. I generally try to have some raw meat before lighting up, seems more efficient that way, two birds with one stone and all that
  3. Lechuza

    Anybody else love the temperature?

    I also like the temperature mechanic, but I think it needs some balancing. Today I was playing with my brother and we were getting cold, so we set up a fire in the woods. However, it was too late, my brother started coughing when I was setting up the fire, now I don't want to get to close to him since it is contagious and I don't want to get infected :) The only problem right now is finding pieces of wood sometimes, but that will be fixed once they add the hatchet. Also I think it drops too fast, and you should gain some temperature when running but I don't see that happening at night, maybe only slightly slowing it down, but it just keeps dropping no matter what (apart from lighting up a fire), sometimes even inside buildings.
  4. Apart from technical issues, wouldn't it add to the gameplay if you could see a sunrise/sunset ingame, in a server near you or server of preference, without having to stay awake and play for 12 hours or more? or without having to server hop around to change from daytime to nighttime? By making nights/days shorter, people would actually have to plan when travelling, even more now with the temperature mechanic. Wouldn't that add to gameplay? I like playing both during nightime and daytime, as it adds variety. By shifting the daytime every day, for an hour or so, that way after 8 days or a week, the ingame time would be reversed in respect to the previous week. That way you could play in the same server, at the same RL time you generally do (when job/classes give you enough free time). Right now I find myself changing between 2 or 3 servers, I try to play one day during daytime, and the next one during nightime by switching servers. But right now I cannot do that in the same server with the current system (I only have time to play from x to y pm every day). I haven't seen a sunrise ingame yet, only sunset in those servers that give you an hour of daylight when it is actually nightime. Would this add to gameplay? I would like to hear your opinions. Edit: to the guy (lolpankakes) that suggested restricting ping to 75ms, with the system that it is in place now I could only play during nighttime. Not only that, but I could never play with my friends, who live on the other side of the world. That is a very shortsighted solution. Yes, If you have a modem you probably have high pings, however, concluding the converse, that everyone that has high ping has a modem connection, is not equivalent and indeed a logical fallacy. Not much of a logical response if you ask me :)