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About HavokFI

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    Behind you with a hatchet
  1. HavokFI

    Your favorite weapon?

    DMR, no doubt. Ammo is scattered almost everywhere, it works with NVG's and... I hate zeroing. Perfect gun for me.
  2. The 3P:on/off means that it either has a 3rd person mode, or it doesn't. You can activate the 3rd person mode with the Enter key on your numpad. CH is short for Crosshair, so basically if the server states CH:on, it has a crosshair on your weapon even when you're not aiming with it.
  3. Well, the title states my question. Here's the specs: CPU = AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+ RAM = 3,00 GB Single-Channel DDR2 Graphics = ATI Radeon HD 3650 Motherboard = PEGATRON CORPORATION NARRA3 (Socket AM2) Hard Drive = 488GB Seagate ST350062 0AS SCSI As you can probably tell, I'm not the all-knowing wizard of computers. I'd just want to know your opinions on this... set. It is an old computer and I'm planning on buying a new one relatively soon. (That is, when I've got enough extra cash...)
  4. HavokFI

    1.7.3 - Lets Wipe the Hive

    I'm all in for the hive wipe. I don't even care if I lose my legit Coyote backpack, M107 and FN FAL AN/PVS-4. And for all those saying that "this wouldn't change a thing, hackers would just script everything back", just think about it. If the hive wipe happens, all the KNOWN player camps will be gone. I personally know a few people (including myself) who went occasionally to a campsite they knew of and grabbed a pair of AS50's, Coyote backpacks etc. After the hive wipe, they wouldn't have any known tents to grab a weapon, it would basically force those people to find their loot legit. At least for a couple of weeks.
  5. HavokFI

    Server Ban for AS50 TWS: Debate

    I'm not sure, might be my imagination, but I think AS50 TWS actually WAS spawning in DayZ a long time ago. But then Rocket realized how overpowered it was and deleted AS50 TWS spawns, but people who already had them before that, got to keep them.
  6. Well, me and my friends just call it out as 'DayZ'. So basically it's just 'Dayzss'. Can't explain it better than that. Are we really the only ones?
  7. HavokFI

    Shit DayZ players say (contribute!)

    "OH! A hatchet, wait a sec, gotta reload it." "Is that a player over th... OH SHIT OHSHITOHSHIT!" "Let's just run across this open field. There's no one near us." "I found a Lee Enfield! I'll just keep my hatchet..." "Let's just check these apartments and then we'll move out..." "I'm safe from zombies in this house if I close the door." "Can zombies climb ladders? ZOMBIES CAN CLIMB LADDERS!" "Is that a crashed heli over there? Nope, just a rock."
  8. HavokFI

    Your first time being a bandit.

    I had just died and spawned on the outskirts of Elektro. My friend was waiting for me at Berezino, so I thought the fastest way to just kill myself in Elektro, was to find another player and if that didn't work, there were atleast the zombies. I begin to run through the town, looking for zombies and after less than 5 minutes of running mindlessly and with 10+ zombies behind me, I notice that I'm near the church. Well, what the heck, there always could be someone inside. I run into the church and what do you know, there's a survivor with a Makarov. I act panicked and shout to my mic: "Help me! There's zombies behind me! Shoot them!". I didn't really think he would actually start shooting the zombies, but he did. After a while of astonishment, I notice there's another Makarov just behind the other survivor. My evil side starts taking over and I'm pondering to myself: "Should I just ask him to kill me, or should I kill him...". After a few seconds of thinking, I decide to let the evil side take over. I grab the Makarov behind him, and I'm so relieved that there's two mags for it. I whisper to the other survivor: "Thanks for your help. And sorry". I emptied the whole Makarov mag in his back. I felt so bad and hey, I was in the church! Was there a more horrible place to make such a dick move? Well, I get over it rather quickly and start slaloming through the zombies outside, when I see another survivor just outside the church. I begin to empty the other mag on him, but he manages to hide from me somehow. I run around the church looking for him, but it's no use. He's gone. Oh well, I had my fun, time to die now. I stand in the middle of the road and listen my character scream as the few zombies left are eating me alive.
  9. HavokFI

    Why are so many 'Bronies' into DayZ?

    You do realize that there are men over 25 years old watching this show, right? That's a pretty mature age to get puberty, if you ask me.
  10. Okay, so... I had just died and spawned on the outskirts of Elektro. My friend was waiting for me at Berezino, so I thought the fastest way to just kill myself in Elektro, was to find another player and if that didn't work, there were atleast the zombies. I begin to run through the town, looking for zombies and after less than 5 minutes of running mindlessly and with 10+ zombies behind me, I notice that I'm near the church. Well, what the heck, there always could be someone inside. I run into the church and what do you know, there's a survivor with a Makarov. I act panicked and shout to my mic: "Help me! There's zombies behind me! Shoot them!". I didn't really think he would actually start shooting the zombies, but he did. After a while of astonishment, I notice there's another Makarov just behind the other survivor. My evil side starts taking over and I'm pondering to myself: "Should I just ask him to kill me, or should I kill him...". After a few seconds of thinking, I decide to let the evil side take over. I grab the Makarov behind him, and I'm so relieved that there's two mags for it. I whisper to the other survivor: "Thanks for your help. And sorry". I emptied the whole Makarov mag in his back. I felt so bad and hey, I was in the church! Was there a more horrible place to make such a dick move? Well, I get over it rather quickly and start slaloming through the zombies outside, when I see another survivor just outside the church. I begin to empty the other mag on him, but he manages to hide from me somehow. I run around the church looking for him, but it's no use. He's gone. Oh well, I had my fun, time to die now. I stand in the middle of the road and listen my character scream as the few zombies left are eating me alive.
  11. There was this one time, when I was a noob and tried to jump from a barns 1st floor to safety, away from the zeds and broke my leg and got eaten alive. But also, I once was on top of the lighthouse and tried to chop down the lighthouse with my axe (why? No idea.) and I suddenly fell down to the ground. I broke nothing. I didn't even lose any blood, all I needed was a pack of painkillers and I was on my way again!
  12. So yeah, pretty much the topic. I was in LU 272 server (It was the Iceland one) with 2 of my friends, when suddenly we all got teleported somewhere and got killed immediately. The same happened to everyone else on the server. Picture link below: http://imgur.com/ntvdW Sorry, but I don't have any idea who the hacker/cheater was. Just got this picture of it. (And if it's relevant, "JesseMias[FI]" and "_ose1" were the friends of mine.
  13. I don't get it. Everyone is trying to strike the OP down. Why? Because he started a new topic of his new experience and how it changed the way he thinks ingame? He's basically saying that if he feels threatened of other players, that's the only occasion he will shoot. I could understand this kind of bashing for the regular "i got killed 2 times this day because i was running around with a gun in my hand, not meaning to harm anyone, now i'm going to kill everyone." I get it there's many of us on these forums and get it that people have different opinions on certain things, but OP's post was reasonable IMO. And this is also the way I want to play this game; I see another player ~100+ meters away, I don't bother shooting, I lay down or try to find a safer place to hide till he/she isn't able to spot me. But if I see a player less than 100m away, I'll begin to be more cautious, keep an eye on him, and if he comes too close that I feel threatened by him/her, I don't hesitate to shoot.
  14. It ain't a bad idea at all. I've come across so many situations that I've wanted to capture, but was too "lazy" to take a screenshot. I'm all in for this.