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About KorbenD

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Was on a server last night with a medium-sized population at the time. Somewhere around 12-15 players. It was night, with a full moon, and I was making my way to the northeast when it suddenly switched to midday. I thought it was the same glitch that was happening a few days ago where a server would randomly cycle through times. A few minutes later, all players were teleported into a group in one of the cities in the southeast. I'm sure the script kiddie was gleefully anticipating the bloodbath to ensue and the subsequent rage quits and . . . . . . no one fired a shot. Not a single one. We all looked at each other for a second or two, then everyone went in different directions into the woods. Once I was out of sight, I quickly quit before whoever it was teleported all of us 200' in the air, but that was the first time I've seen that happen when people didn't start blazing away the instant that happened.
  2. Didn't know this part of the forum existed, or I would have gathered more specific information. Playing with five friends on US 930 last night at approximately 9:45 Eastern, all players on the server (or at least most) were suddenly teleported into a small building and killed in the resulting shooting. Rejoined the server about ten minutes later to try to recover some items from a tent and was kicked after a few seconds.