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RavenX (DayZ)

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About RavenX (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Daytona Beach Florida
  • Interests
    Gaming with friends, music, movies, etc etc, blah blah.
  1. RavenX (DayZ)

    US 1635...Kicked?!?!

    NM, I got back in. It must have been a server error or something.
  2. RavenX (DayZ)

    US 1635...Kicked?!?!

    So I was playing on US (not telling :P ). and rather enjoying the server, and now I try to get in and every time it says I was kicked. Why exactly? I've never hacked, I've never even flat out shot someone. Before I was kicked I did find a dead player with a shotgun and some stuff, so I looted him since he was dead. So what's up with being kicked?
  3. RavenX (DayZ)

    Incoming: Password Protection.

    Yeap, that's what I was thinking with my post above. I too have the hardware torun my own server. The only thing I'm lacking is that it's here at home and if I did it I'd run it over cable internet and not a dedicated T5.
  4. RavenX (DayZ)

    I never realized how many hackers there were.

    I had a pretty weird trip in yesterday. I ran into a building on the coast hiding from some zeds chasing me and found 4 heavily armed dudes inside standing on the railing around the top story or the building. All four of them were kitted out. They all had all the survival gear, knives, compass, maps, night vision goggles, the works. All four had that nice high end sniper riffle with the scope and silenced hand-guns. I tried talking to them but all four just stood there, not moving saying nothing. After a few minutes I put two and two together and figured they were hackers so I tried to kill them since they were lagging the server being there AFK like that. I shot each one of them in the head 3 times with their own guns and none of them could die. All four were in God mode.This was on a server with over 20 people. I also heard a vehicle drive right past me as I was running down the road but couldn't see anything, which was kinda scary. I'd like to hope there's not a group like that on every server, but I don't know there isn't for sure. As for other vehicles, I found a jeep parked at a castle one time. No one was around so I hopped into it and went for a drive which was fun.
  5. RavenX (DayZ)

    Incoming: Password Protection.

    Ahh, well, that kinda sucks then. I was thinking of trying a "social experiment" of my own by running a server and only inviting people who I know that would actually play the game as it was intended and not hack the shit out of it. My next question was going to be to ask if hackers could get into a passworded server. I would of invited people from here on the forums after they sent me a short interview via PM (also giving me the character name they would use on the server), in return for which they would get the password to the server and I would be able to kick/ban people who weren't on the list and ban anyone I find hacking. I guess that experiment won't happen now until the rules change.
  6. RavenX (DayZ)

    Incoming: Password Protection.

    I thought passworded and private servers have been here for a while or since the start? I see them on the server list, says private, has a lock icon on it. That's not what that is?
  7. Mass Religion of any kind is for the sheeple, not an individual thinking person. Do I see evidence of some kind of higher intelligence in the universe we humans can see here from our little spec of dust? Well, yes, kinda. There's too many mathematical coincidences for everything to be random. Do I believe in God in the sense of the Christian bible? No. Why? Because in my mind no just or loving "God" who truly loved all his children would doom them to Eternity of hell and damn-nation for a mistake made in the insignificant span of a single human life. If a truly all loving and all knowing God truly existed there would be no hell because he would be all forgiving even if you didn't have time to "repent" before you die. All of our religions are man made. They are not the words of any god. They were wrote down by a person (many times around the world by many people) simply to try to teach people how to be good and decent people. Then of course came the time when they were all implemented as a means of control. Religions will always have more control over people than any government or world leader. Worlds leaders come and go, live and breath and die. Religions never stop, going on and on, evolving growing and changing, until they either take over completely or every single practitioner of that faith is dead and their ideology isn't taught anymore. Find your own religion and relationship with god, or not, in accordance with what you personally believe. The goal is to be a good person and know what's right and what's wrong no matter what book or god is teaching you to do so. This is a video game man. I'm pretty sure almost all of us understand that. I don't think the world is really populated with people who will shoot first and ask questions later. There's people like that sure, but if/when the shit hits the fan those people will be dealt with swiftly and harshly. I wouldn't just straight up shoot someone in real life for no reason though, even if I and my family were starving and they had all the beans. I'd go kill an animal. I'd protect my family and friends and anyone else who wasn't trying to kill people with my life, but I'd never start killing people unless me or my loved ones were really being threatened. Also, I'm American.
  8. RavenX (DayZ)

    Game is flat out UNPLAYABLE

    Ok, I get that hackers are a pain in the ass, nuff said and agreed there. Here's the thing though. This isn't a game that you paid for. This is a Mod...a FREE Mod. I paid for ArmA2 and it's expansion so I could play it. That I paid for. DayZ I didn't pay for. In being that it's free that gives me the right to either play it and enjoy it for what it is, or not play it. I didn't pay for anything where Rocket and DayZ are concerned so I have No Right to bitch and moan at him or his team about the state of the game or Mod. I'm also %100 sure they know what's going on in game since rocket himself got hacked and taken to Thunderdome during a live interview. He knows. When a version of DayZ comes out that I have to Pay For in and of its-self, THEN I'll bitch and moan about hackers and shit ruining the game that I paid for. Right now if I did decide to try to seek real answers about how and why the game is so hackable I'd go talk to the guys who made ArmA2. I'm sure if there was a way to end the hacking Rocket would have done so by now. I see where you're coming from OP, I do, I just don't see where it gives you the right to aim the blame at a guy who made something cool and gave it to you for free. It's not his fault the engine isn't up to par on security. I'm sure he did the best with what he could and worked within a engine he could use.
  9. RavenX (DayZ)

    Dear Rooster...

    Hey don't feel bad. I was on the beach last night, just being my newb self and trying to sneak around and gear up. I ran from a zombie under a building, and someone ran up behind me and axed me in the back of the head while I was watching the zombie. Went from 7K blood to dead in 1 second flat....lol. I'm guessing because my name is Raven people are thinking they can harvest meat from my corpse or something....heh.
  10. RavenX (DayZ)

    Q&A For Newbs.

    Here's a question. Can I have your stuff? lol j/k Great thread though. It's great too see someone volunteering help for us noobs.
  11. True, but I've only been here for two days now so I'm "just calling em like I see em" with only that little actual game-play experience. Bandits can be a hassle if you're not prepared, sure, but cheating fucktards ruin it for everyone and when something looks like it "might" be cheating there's a good chance it is. Then again though the pea shooter handgun you usually get first can't even kill a zed in 5 shots and I'm still unfamiliar with many of the gun's damage ranges.
  12. Could it have been a hacker in god mode? Maybe.
  13. RavenX (DayZ)

    Release the damn patch, Please.

    I found a way to temp fix them. I switched from "Very High" to "High" and back in the options and they were gone. I find it odd though that since my graphics card far surpasses what the game needs there are graphics problems at all. I chalk it up to the engine since everything else I play is fine. Hopefully it gets fixed soon though because it is annoying.
  14. RavenX (DayZ)

    Is this Mod worth 30$

    Speaking as someone who bought Arma2 and it's expansion off Steam just to play the mod, yes, it's worth your $30. Too bad Rocket can't somehow get a share. Think of it like a survival simulator that's peopled with zombies, assholes, and the occasional alright person. In the beginning you will die...a Lot. There will also be the occasional hacker bumblefuck who gets you killed, so don't cry when you loose your stuff, and you'll do just fine. Go for it. I consider my $30 well spent.
  15. RavenX (DayZ)

    Standalone by September? No chance

    You're forgetting the first and formost rule of DayZ. Don't get attached to your gear :P